» Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:34 am
As a hack & slash game, Morrowind was pathetically weak, and kind of slow to get into. As a RPG, it's a virtually unmatched classic. Depending on the types of games you enjoy, you should either skip it and don't look back, or rush out and buy it, play it for months or years, and cherish it as a rare gem (with a few flaws). With graphics mods and a few other recent improvements, it can look about as good as Oblivion (better in some respects, still not that great in others), and the gameplay is far more rewarding for those who enjoy "risk/reward", character development, and managing success and failure, as opposed to "spoon feeding" and "your character can do everything".
If you just want to play it to "beat" the game, you can probably plow your way through it by 11/11/11, but if you want to see and experience more than a tiny fraction of what the game has to offer, forget Skyrim for about a year or three. Saying "I put 100 hours into Morrowind" is like saying "I saw all of Europe in 3 days".