I never used the spear, found every single cave, or read eve

Post » Sun May 06, 2012 8:12 pm

Tonight I watched a YouTube video of someone showing how to slaughter everyone in Balmora. What got my attention was not the killing of everyone but the spear. I think it was called a Blessed Spear , kind of ironic since this person was killing the whole town with it, but I was impressed with the spear. I realized that after all these years I had never even looked at a spear. I also thought about how I had never found every single cave or read every single book......is that even possible?
I have to go back and create the best adventurer able to be great with a spear, find every cave and book, and then I'll probably want to open every lock!

Has anyone ever accomplished this? It will take a while but I HAVE to do this ! I challenge myself and anyone else to this . I feel I owe it to the Morrowind team for taking the time to put all this stuff in the game, or am I reaching too high? This could be my last chance because I only have a Mac and MW is only on PC. I don't know how much longer we'll be able to play it on the XBOX!
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Jack Walker
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:19 am

Tonight I watched a YouTube video of someone showing how to slaughter everyone in Balmora. What got my attention was not the killing of everyone but the spear. I think it was called a Blessed Spear , kind of ironic since this person was killing the whole town with it, but I was impressed with the spear. I realized that after all these years I had never even looked at a spear. I also thought about how I had never found every single cave or read every single book......is that even possible?
I have to go back and create the best adventurer able to be great with a spear, find every cave and book, and then I'll probably want to open every lock!

Has anyone ever accomplished this? It will take a while but I HAVE to do this ! I challenge myself and anyone else to this . I feel I owe it to the Morrowind team for taking the time to put all this stuff in the game, or am I reaching too high? This could be my last chance because I only have a Mac and MW is only on PC. I don't know how much longer we'll be able to play it on the XBOX!

Ive never been in every single cave/tomb/mine and I also recently found the BanHammer
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 1:06 am

Only a couple hundred hours?
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 5:48 pm

There is so much content to Morrowind it will blow you away.
I've been playing for nine years, and have done everything..... except I still seem to find new little things that impress me.

Finding every dungeon isn't that hard, should only take 3 or 4 characters to do that. :P Except for grottos, but 95% of them are worthless.
Every book is easy too.... well, except for the super rare books.

Spears are epic. One of the best weapon skills in the game... This is why everyone keeps bemoaning the fact that they are not in Oblivion or Skyrim.
(and some of the best spears are very well hidden)
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 2:30 am

Ive never been in every single cave/tomb/mine and I also recently found the BanHammer

Ok, so it's time to get back out there and find everything! :)
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 7:38 pm

Only a couple hundred hours?

That's ok, it's worth every hour spent! :)
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 5:55 pm

Ok, so it's time to get back out there and find everything! :)
Ok, see you again in 4 years :D

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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:48 am

There is so much content to Morrowind it will blow you away.
I've been playing for nine years, and have done everything..... except I still seem to find new little things that impress me.

Finding every dungeon isn't that hard, should only take 3 or 4 characters to do that. :P Except for grottos, but 95% of them are worthless.
Every book is easy too.... well, except for the super rare books.

Spears are epic. One of the best weapon skills in the game... This is why everyone keeps bemoaning the fact that they are not in Oblivion or Skyrim.
(and some of the best spears are very well hidden)

Snob! :)...... Just kidding! I've been playing for a while so how could I miss the spear if it's so epic?? You didn't mention if you had also unlocked everything .
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:18 am

Snob! :)...... Just kidding! I've been playing for a while so how could I miss the spear if it's so epic??
Actually, I have realized it's rather easy to miss. Many players never bother with Spears until there 4-5th character. (I know it's true for me)
Long Swords, Blunt and Short Swords are what really catch most player's eye, due to the large amount of unique weapons and artifacts you can find.
There are very few spears in the game, compared to other weapon types. And many have similar stats, so they don't seem as unique at first.
But when you find the really good ones, they are overpowering. (And their range for melee is undeniable.)

You didn't mention if you had also unlocked everything .
Well, I probably have, after 9 years. But there is no way to calculate such a mundane feat, so I have never bothered to care.
Besides, there are dozens of locked chests not even worth opening.... Another chest with the "l_b_loot_tomb" Leveled List...? meh, who cares? :P
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:00 am

I've played morrowind for years as well, I'm still working on my magic game. There's no way that I've found close to everything....I still haven't found the ban hammer lol (no one tell me, I wanna find it on my own). I too haven't tried spears outside of killing a summoned creature just to raise endurance. I don't feel the need to since magic has a larger range, but it's still nice having content that I haven't explored despite the hours and hours of gameplay.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 2:28 am

This could be my last chance because I only have a Mac and MW is only on PC. I don't know how much longer we'll be able to play it on the XBOX!
Having a Mac isn't a problem. Gix uses one for his Morrowind Let's Play. Sure, you'll need a special program to run a PC game on a Mac and it might require quite a bit of setup, but for Morrowind I think it's worth it.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 6:29 pm

My first few characters in MW used spears.. they just made the most sense cos of how difficult combat was (ie get longest reach you can) My tactic was to find a rock and camp on it, jabbing at whatever beast was trying to kill me. For cliffracers.. It was hiding under a tree and hoping it gets stuck.

Try a real challenge.. a throwing weapons only character.
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 11:46 pm

@ Pluto: I would have thought there would have been more spears because the environment for Morrowind is perfect for this type of weapon, oh well.
I just like unlocking items to have stuff to sell. Most of these types of games never have great loot but I'm tired of being a thief, it takes too long even though there is lots of money! :)

@ Hlormar Whisky-Sot: I heard there is also a Dragonbone Cuirass found underwater in some cave. It's supposed to have a lot of power?

@Logorouge: If it came down to that then yes it would be worth it. Thanks for the tip!

@ Do'tirath: I had thought about using throwing weapons but I always chose a mage for that type of attack.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:55 am

I play in a pretty loose way, I know there are still a few caves I haven't fully explored here and there - not many, but some. I don't have the completionist bug, actually I enjoy knowing there's still more to find.

On spear fighting: Spears are the most effective melee weapon if used right. The strongest tactic is to make good use of the Spear's long reach. If you keep backing away from enemies while stabbing them, they'll find it very hard to get close enough to you to make their own attacks. The three tricks to master are:

- having good spatial awareness so that you can move backwards while fighting without bumping into something and getting stuck against it
- being able to judge the distance to the enemy so you can get the most out of the Spear's striking range.
- being quick-fingered enough that you can move around fluidly and still always use the Jab attack (the Always Use Best Attack option does this for you, but I prefer not to use it, more challenge)

Takes a bit of practice but it's not like mastering Tekken juggles ;D

You can also get a lot of mileage out of jumping up on a high boulder or other terrain feature and stabbing down at the helpless enemies - Acrobatics or possibly Alteration help with that..
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 9:11 am

@survivorgirl: Yes the dragon bone cuirass is a powerful heavy armor artifact that grants immunity to fire. It's located at an underwater dwemer ruin in a locked and trapped closet. If heavy armor is your skill, it is (I think) the best you can get.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:16 am

I've had Morrowind since (roughly) it came out. I only discovered Mentors Ring a year or so ago. and only from watching a Let's Play.
I love the game.
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