You can try Dead is Dead.
You chose the difficulty you are OK with and start a new game.
You can't reload a save game if you die or want to try another answer in a conversation.
I -love- this way of playing the game because it forces you to ask yourself a good question :
"On what difficulty level can I play the game, without reloading when things get messy ?".
Warning :
This particular way of playing is really addictive. You can find yourself doing it in other games, even ones not really made for that.
Trying to play Dead is Dead in Borderlands 2 is, let's say, special...
At some point I want to roll a character that uses RNG to randomly pick his initial SPECIAL distribution, and then randomly pick each perk on level up. I wonder if there are currently any tools that I can use for that, though; something to randomly spread 28 points among seven attributes 1-10, and then something else to pick a random point on the grid within that distribution. >.>
I've though about a playthrough where you don't buy or craft anything, have to use what you find, and nothing else.
I can also see a melee only character to be a challenge, for certain enemies that you really really don't want to get close to you. (through maybe a gunless challenge would be more doable, can still use explosives.)
Bethesda should add a Dead is Dead mode similar to Diablo. It's more frustrating when you know that dying really means no more chances no matter what, and more exciting during difficult battles too.
You could just use a random number generator as you say (which are abundant online), to select them. 1-7 for special and then 1-10 for perks. If you get a skill that you cant select or already have, roll again. Great idea btw, I might have to steal it for a play through of my own.
This is quite amusing.
Guy creates character who is too timid to leave Sanctuary. Actually, I was quite impressed how far he managed to level up!
I'm playing on survival mode, would happily embrace this difficulty level.
Use an 8 sided to assign each point 28 times (ignore 8s).
For level up, you have 77 slots. Roll two 10 sided dice and re roll any you can't access or for numbers over 77.
Here you go, made this while I was browsing forums & eating breakfast., might add random perks after... but I'm done eating now... maybe during lunch?
As to "dead is dead" more commonly known as Ironman if there is an option ingame, people just tend to savescam their way out of death, reloading last save before you can die...
For my second play-through I'm doing a No Chems run - this includes no Stimpacks and no Rad-X/Away, along with any other chemical concoctions! Her backstory is that she was a junkie before the war and would die if she took anymore. She was lucky not to die from them (Luck = 10), though they didn't leave much of her mind intact (Intelligence = 1).
I think the ultimate challenge is making a no-attack character that makes others do the fighting for you instead.
Something like:
S = 1
P = 1
E = 4
C = 10
I = 8
A = 3
L = 1
Take Local Leader, Intimidation, Animal Friend, Wasteland Whisperer, Robotics Expert, Sneak, Toughness, Life Giver, Inspirational, Medic, Chem Resist, and Chemist. I think eventually, you'll want to increase your Endurance to 9 for Ghoulish. The SPECIAL book might be best used on Endurance for that reason, but Nuclear Physicist would help you use PA more - although that would hurt your ability to sneak. Endurance is probably the better choice for it. Also, Charisma starting at 10 sort of wastes that point, but it's kind of hard to imagine getting that bobblehead without Intimidation.
Most difficult part would be getting to lvl 23 for the second rank in Intimidation.
I haven't tried Dead is Dead. I think I'm too nervous in case I get quite far and die stupidly, though I suppose that's exactly the type of fun you should look for when playing DiD. I also think those who are reloading game saves to avoid dying are really only cheating themselves.
If I did a DiD playthrough, my character wouldn't of survived the first 10 minutes. seriously, walked out the vault, headed towards the north west corner of the map. got into a fight with some blood bugs... with only that 10 MM pistol and a stimpack or two.... died within 10 minutes of leaving the vault... I felt so ashamed.....
My doom style play through was very fun. My character Buddy only used weapons similar to those that appeared in the original Doom (got a bit stuck though with the BFG surprisingly so went with the Cryolator for it), no vats, Yellow flight helmet (no green version ), combat gear and the bloodymess perk to complete it.
Roleplaying as other game characters is a lot of fun if stuck for a way to play
About 8 years ago I played in a Single player Tournament for the mod Eastern Suns (Diablo 2) and the rules were based on the RNG. And that was fun. I hosted a few tournaments as well most notably the Craftsman Tournament.
Oh wow, thanks. Gotta admit, I was pretty nervous running an .exe some random forumite offered me, but it's legit. For the perks I should be able to find an RNG on my phone I can just use - first a random number between 1 and 7 for SPECIAL, and then a random number from zero to whatever that stat's max is... if I roll a zero it means I bump up that SPECIAL by one.
Totally gonna do this. Too bad this rig isn't streaming material.
Your welcome, gave me something to do/think about while eating
If anyone want's to re-make this in another format here's the code for my Re-roll button (Written in Visual Basic) ... have fun.
Private Sub ReRoll()
Dim oPoints As Integer = 21
Dim oStats(6) As Integer
' Reset numbers
For oIndex As Integer = 0 To 6
oStats(oIndex) = 1
' Pick Stats
Dim oPick As Integer
Do Until oPoints = 0
oPick = CInt(Math.Floor((7) * Rnd()))
'Add one if under 10
If oStats(oPick) <= 10 Then
oStats(oPick) += 1
oPoints -= 1
End If
'Assign Stats
tbS.Text = oStats(0)
tbP.Text = oStats(1)
tbE.Text = oStats(2)
tbC.Text = oStats(3)
tbI.Text = oStats(4)
tbA.Text = oStats(5)
tbL.Text = oStats(6)
End Sub