So, recycling old animations has been done, and retextureing, and evening redoing skeletal animations has been done.
Well, I got a little bored with destruction magic, and now I'm trying to create a totally new destruction effect spell. Basically, I'm creating a higher-level spray spells, and I've got one that is like a narrow-band flame thrower, and I'm trying to make another one that is an arc.
My animation is starting to work, and I know how to tweak the visuals enough so that I can get it looking like a wide-arc fire blast, but it still only damages enemies directly in my targeting as if it were a regular spray-and-pray spell.
Looked into it, and it looks like I'm limited by the SprayRangeBehavior.hkx havok asset. Well, I don't have a proper havok behavior editor, so I'm digging through the binary file of that trying to make heads or tails of it. If anyone has done this kind of thing before and can offer some tips, I'd appreciate it. Alternatively, if there's an easier way to get what I'm after than editing core files and making my own 3D models, I'm open to suggestion.