New arena idea

Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:57 pm

I have seen that many people wan't arenas in the game. Many have argued that it has potential to kill AvAvA combat. People would just sit and queue in arena fights all day to get their pvp fix while Cyrodill would be nearly empty.

But, I think there is away to implement arenas without affecting alliance war too much AND we would get PVP with real concuquences as it should be. Hear me out guys.

There would be no friendly carebear fights in arenas. Carebears can go to Cyrodiil for meaningless Call of Duty styled combat. In arenas, death would mean losing your equiped items.

All equiped items would be lost upon death and every dropped item would have 20%-30% chance of breaking completely and they would be removed from the game. This would mean that some items disappear from game thus it would feed economy and be a good buffer against inflation. Winner of the duel would get to keep all those items that do not break obviously.

We don't have meaningful PVP with consquences at the moment. Death has no meaning and there is nothing to fear when you PVP. This would give us real PVP players something that has feeling. Something that makes your hands sweat, your mouth dry, your hearth jumping up and down just like you got from your first kiss. Real risks and real losses. Real victory. I can't imagine what would be more awesome that PVP where you actually have something to lose. Arenas could be really neat way of adding this fear and feeling element to the game.

Also, since there would be no carebear fights, it would not make AvAvA PVP dead. Most people would still do most of their PVP is cyrodill and carebears could still enjoy their risk free PVP.

Imagine guys how many painful and rewarding memories you would get. Memories that last a lifetime.

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elliot mudd
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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:22 pm

Friendly tip: don't call people things like "carebear" if you want them to listen to your argument.

And the population argument isn't half as compelling as the balance argument. The day they start balancing this game around 1v1 combat is the day we lose all build diversity.

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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:15 pm

This balancing around 1v1 is a good point. Maybe adding PVP with concequenses can be added some other way... I have this other idea that there would be gate to oblivion somewhere. Going thru that gate would transport you to PVP area where death would mean losing your items. Big area with red sky, doesn't even have to be many details in there. Just big area to PVP in where death has a meaning. Now, being in group would be benefical here just like in cyrodiil and game would not have to balanced around 1v1. [EDIT] Another cool twist that this oblivion PVP area could have is friendly fire. You would have to be careful with AOE skills and this would give a little incentive to make solo PVP valid too.

[EDIT] OR they could just add few specific "server shards" where Cyrodiil has meaningful PVP. That would be awesome too

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Avril Louise
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:50 am

You want painful and lasting PvP memories? Do Judo, not videogames, dude.

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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:35 am

not sure if troll post....or serious ( not kidding, Im actually not sure - the bordeom of waiting for the early access can drive people to do crazy stuff )

the words 'carebear' and 'real pvp' irritate me though - you should, in case this is a serious post, try outlining that this is just your opinion and view on this, and dont make it sound like its a hard fact

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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:45 pm

The moment you say "carebear" and "real PvP", everything else you have to say on any subject is immediately invalidated.

Hopefully nothing you are proposing is ever added to the game.

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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:22 am

I have to admit I did wan't ruffle some feathers with my post. Many PVP players nowadays consider themself brave or something when they take part in this kind of PVP we have in most games that I call CoD-pvp. PVP with no risk and death that has no meaning. It is not brave and it is just as much carebearish to me than just doing PVE content. Still, I think I have a great ideas on how to add PVP where risks is invoved. I might have to make new topic about this with better wording when official forums are launched since now everyone just gets iritiated and not focus on this great concept of PVP with concequenses.

Don't worry carebear, there is high chance that nothing with real risk is added to this game. It is just not popular these days to have that kind of gameplay. it is a shame since there is quite a lot of playre who enjoy risk in games, we are just not vocal enough and carebear attitude is way more common

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Big Homie
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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 5:19 pm

No and the more this topic gets raised the more I think the game is better off without players with the insulting demeanour of the OP. With each reworked thread of this type I am less and less receptive to the idea. But wait a few days and open another. Maybe get in a few cracks at our mothers to get the conversation rolling and pitch us your idea again.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:26 pm

Can't we have this topic locked? I find his usage of the word "carebear"insulting. :gun:

I still don't see how you can call this a "new" idea.

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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:55 am

I recommend DayZ it features body looting and stuff like that - personally I expected a zombie survival game with a few hostile players here and there looking for supplies too, instead it turned out to be a first person kill-every-other-player-on-sight-regardless-if-he-has-loot-or-not shooter with 1 or 2 zombies in it that dont do anything case you havent heard of this game, it sounds as if it is what you are looking for - relatively popular game actually

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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:58 am

But you would think that every MMO company would dive head first into this kind of game play. After all,

  • Almost nobody actually wants it
  • Those who do constantly scream insults at anyone who disagrees with them
  • The real income stream comes from players who embrace cooperative, pleasant, social game play
  • It's financial suicide for a company to embrace wide open pvp

Oh, wait. Those are all reasons why companies run away from it as fast as they can.

Good riddance to arenas and wide open PvP. Hopefully the ESO devs stay true to their Cyrodiil design philosophy and make tons of money in the process.

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chloe hampson
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:46 am

I find this thread amusing. Thanks for the laughs.

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