I do as well. The "female armor" looks mostly gold and silver, with a small amount of aged-copper-green highlights. Doesn't seem quite as "glass" as previous versions.
So, on the theory that the dull/corroded green is a highlight on Elven equipment, that then makes all those "glass" weapons.... Elven.
We'll see.

I think the strongest evidence that it's not Elven is the pauldrons, because we don't have any reason to believe yet that there are going to be gender-specific armor sets, and if you look at the link in my sig you can see there's no way the pauldrons (or the helmet) are supposed to be the same set for different genders. But yeah I'm sure we'll have a better idea in a few months when we have some more screenies to look at. Anyway I would not mind a change from the radioactive neon green glass to a more subtle, light jade-like glass design.
i think it all looks pritty cool but dont get exited about it, it could all change
Yeah, it probably will not look quite like that concept art especially since the elven that we've seen is a bit different from the concept. I'm just glad to see they might be abandoning Oblivion's glass plate design in favor of something more like Morrowind's glass armor idea, which was basically "a base of rare, light metals, studded with glass shards placed strategically to absorb blows from weapons." I would like to see a few more glass pieces on the final set though.
Anyway I don't think speculating about the armor design is any worse than speculating about vampires/werewolves/liches, waterfalls/river rapids, backwards windmills, spellcrafting, prostitution, race designs, etc