I'm not sure I really understand that. At first, he says that if you venture into an area that's too hard, you will get rare and special loot if you survive. So... that insinuates we actually have a chance to defeat creatures that are too hard for us. Wouldn't that then mean that they aren't too hard for us? Or is this saying that if you cheat and defeat stuff too hard for you, you will get rewarded?
I don't know, it's a weirdly worded statement. I don't know of any games that reward you for being in over your head. In most games I've played, being "in over your head" means you are rewarded with a "Would you like to load your last save?"
Think of it this way: It's an Elder Scrolls game. You think you gotta play it one way? Nope. Let's say you're level 3 and go into a mountain far into the north. You shouldn't have done this, because the vamps inside are level 10. How this plays out from here on is going to be different for mostly everyone. Yes, you can turn around and say screw that. But Todd wonders, "Hmmm, what if we should reward those who wanna stick this place out and not just turn around and come back at a later time." Out of 10 different players, you could be the one with like 3 badass invisibility potions with you. You come across a chest deep into the heart of this mountain grotto, not fighting any enemies from fear of death and using the potions to guide you along the dark damp cave walls. If the enemies in here were low-level, of course you'd expect to find just an iron sword. Now that your puny level 3 Bosmer spent a little more careful and extra time not trying to die, you're going to find Frost-splinter, an ancient Nordic dagger.
This scenario could play out differently. What if the low level managed to kill some vamps in direct combat without dying? Perhaps even cooler loot on their bodies rather than if they were a fair match fight.
Now you see where I'm coming from here, and I'm personally very excited for this addition. See, Todd thinks that if you have to sacrifice something (in this last situation for example, the player could have used all his health potions up to beat the higher levelers), then you should be properly rewarded. And even more rewarded if you managed to go through unscathed. This is what Radiant Story is all about. :tes:
PS. Let me know if I confused someone lol.