» Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:02 pm
Not really playing anything, between studies, driving lessons, and projects I don't have much free time in the afternoons anymore.
Although my new routine has me waking up at 3AM so I can play in the mornings. Mostly League of Legends, an online multiplayer game I started recently.
I played a few rounds of Crysis 2 two days ago, just sniping and using blind spot to stay out of too much action so I can relax and play with some nice music. Didn't find any double-meleers, but I found a D4rK member who, as usual, was meleeing with a laser feline. Think I had more fun than he did.
It's nice not playing with all the pressure of constant action, y'know?
You forget about fun in all the competition in-game. I used to take the game so seriously.
Forever a Crysis 2 soldier.