» Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:07 am
Lol calm down guys. Unless its like a 25 gig limit 99% of you wont have anything to worry about. From reading it, this new limit is in place for people who are consuming an absurdly large amount of bandwidth. Leaving your stuff on will only infrequently transfer a few KB of info every so often, usually status such as a system/program sending out a query such as "are you there?" and your system/program asking "any new messages" "any status updates?" "i'm doing this thing, or that". Just a guess, but i couldnt imagine more then 50 megs being transferred out over a day of idle. Gaming, on the other hand, can really crank it up, but unless your an excessive online gamer you wont use more then 30 gigs a month.
You MIGHT run into a problem if your torrenting... stuff... constantly, all day every day at max throttle, or if you have 4-5 people who CONSTANTLY play 24/7. Most people with a life however dont use more then 10 gigs or so just from gaming, and other things such as browsing, youtube, pandora will probably take up another 10 gigs if you do it frequently. If your using more then 20 gigs and you only do online games, your probably playing WAY too much, or your bleeding from somewhere else. My friends family uses an average of 35 gigs a month and thats 3 people who constantly do WoW/MW2/BC2 like 10 hours a day, while both parents are usually watching youtube, or doing facebook.