Those very few unwilling to adopt to technological standards shouldn't be a significant factor for Bethesda to consider in my honest opinion.
Those very few unwilling to adopt to technological standards shouldn't be a significant factor for Bethesda to consider in my honest opinion.
They didn't announce the pip-boy until E3 so how the hell did your 16 year old nephew save up for it in advance? Even then, the copies started getting snatched up the NEXT day. So, tell me, when did anyone, other than people with tons of extra cash who can go out and no responsibilities, have ample time?
Most people assumed there would be a CE and that it would cost about 100$. They announced all the other batches as well on the Bethblog. And as people have said, you don't need to fork out all the dough then and there.
Face it, it's your own damn fault.
I'm not threedog, but I had already had ~$150 set aside once Fallout 4 was announced because it was inevitable that they would release a CE I would be interested in.
I'm a full time student and I work 30-35 hours a week at my job. I preordered my Pip-Boy Edition with ample time.
Common sense lol....E3 was going to be a 100% guaranteed info bomb for F04...Pre-orders would be taken the next day like a lot of titles after E3. Do the math man...Of course Beth would be releasing pre-orders next day...Not to hard to save up some $$$.
Same boat for me. There has been a CE for EVERY Beth game I can think of, did you really not see it coming?
Yep. It's still sitting in my bank account until November.
You could also just get over it, that'd solve the problem too.
They said to begin with it would be limited..
--I don't want one..
It's over now... We move on..
Really dude...
You want to know why I made this thread, because of this one here:
That's why I made this thread. Because people who just wanted it but couldn't afford it at the time due to life issues got [censored] over by greedy [censored]s who bought 10 or more copies. And all you jerk-offs can do is post snide comments and be ignorant [censored]s. There would have been enough if [censored]s like the Ebay scalpers hadn't bought up more than they actually needed. But you all justify it.
You all make me sick....
So why didn't you reply to that thread, instead of making a new one. You're not gonna last long 'round these here parts with that kind of attitude.
Looks like to me another person who is just complaining about the lack of pipboys... I would tell that poster the same thing stated here. Dude, we get that you want a Pipboy. You don't have to insult us.
And yet, you all can insult me and others who were cheated out because of scalpers? Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
Sure, we had an existing thread, so you made another one, makes sense.
Sure it's a bummer, but such is life, and as people have said, you didn't need the money at the time as long as you can fork out the dough on release.
And if people are buying 10 isn't that something you should bring up with Gamestop? It's not Bethesdas fault, Bethesda can't babysit all the retailers.
I don't remember any post in this thread really insulting you, and I represent no one in this thread but myself. I have not insulted you.
Yeah, telling people to stop whining and that you don't give a damn about their problems can't really be classified as insults. Sure if can be offensive, but offense is only taken, never given.
Christ.. These "make more pip-boy" threads, chip away at my soul.
I'm a ginger so I don't face that problem, but I get what you mean.