My condolences
( Jk , I realize the humour in posting that with a Beeker pic aswell. lol)
My condolences
( Jk , I realize the humour in posting that with a Beeker pic aswell. lol)
There have been dozens of these threads and not a single one of them has achieved anything but annoy the regular posters here. Bethesda does not read these forums and they definitely do not base business decisions off of them. They've said no more pipboys are being made. Just stahp already. No one really cares about the lack of plastic phone holder in your life. No great injustice is being perpetuated by Bethesda by keeping this necessity away from you. So just... let it go already.
I'm an avid gamer and I always save up a bunch of money for the glut of games leading up to Christmas because I just know E3 is going to throw out something I really, really want. Which was why I was ready when E3 dropped the bomb... especially after Bethesda warned us something Fallout was on the way.
So yeah, I got in there and ordered before they sold out... but even then I ummmed and ahhhed for around a day before ordering. They didn't vanish THAT fast. And as others have said... pre-ordering doesn't cost anything most of the time. This time I think they asked for a 拢10 from Game in the UK is all.
Yeah, I ordered Fallout 4 and the Anthology today at Gamestop and the minimum cost was like 50 NOK, or like 6-7$, and the total price was 1150 NOK or just about 140$ or so, man the NOK isn't worth as much as it used to be, but I digress.
Point is, had the option to give them next to nothing now, and give them the rest later. I gave them all the money up front though, just because I could, but I had the option not to. And if I had wanted I probably could have ordered a pip-boy edition from somewhere, but the price was so ridikeulous, it was like over twice as high as the standard one, and it just wasn't worth it.
I feel like I've seen this post before...
A have a few extra for sale if you're interested?
It posts like these that get threads closed.