new bounty system

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:26 am

I love the new bounties you can claim all you wish or covet from all the unsuspecting villagers as you wish then you can flee and they cannot claim their vengence perfect, I do like how you can have a safe haven for your theif or criminal it open up all kinds of malicious possibilties for our evil characters or our kleptomainics.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:01 am

Hopefully murder bounties dont go away to quickly. Im not so sure someone will just forget you killed someone.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:48 am

Hopefully murder bounties dont go away to quickly. Im not so sure someone will just forget you killed someone.

Yeah I think a certain amount of time should pass based on the severity of the crime until all is calm. Murder should not be taken lightly. :glare:
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:55 am

... I'm going to "depopulate" one of the counties. I'd like it if the word of your crimes spread farther and farther after you passed certain bounty thresholds. For example, you murder five people and your bounty jump up to five grand and any friendly counties that border the first are notified of a serial killer on the loose.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:32 am

IDEA you commit a crime. you kill all the witnesses. your bounty goes away. discuss!

If you commit a crime, and kill all of the witnesses before it's told to a guard, then you never receive a bounty to begin with.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:27 pm

IDEA you commit a crime. you kill all the witnesses. your bounty goes away. discuss!

Medevil Crime Scene Investigation (MCSI). "Stop right there criminal scum!"
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:48 am

i reallllllllllly hope there is a type of witness system where i can get away with a crime if there are no witnesses or i kill all the witnesses without being witnessed killing them too
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matt oneil
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:45 am

i wonder though if higher crimes will travel to surrounding holds. like i murder a noble and get caught in the process. will my crime be reported to the next closest holds?

Since there are 2 different types of jails, maybe one is for more serious crimes?

Do you think each of the nine holds will have 2 different types of jails?

Or maybe one kind of jail is for enemies of the state (i.e., Rebels in the Loyalist holds and a torture chamber for Loyalist dogs in the Rebel holds)?

If you don't mind, could you tell me or give me a link to where you got this information? THANKS :biggrin: :biggrin:

This is from the new Playstation magazine article

Medevil Crime Scene Investigation (MCSI). "Stop right there criminal scum!"

If there end up being bounty hunters or Regulators that track you from one hold to another a la FO3, I certainly hope the A.I. allows for a more complex process for them to track you, like spawning in a town you visited 3 game-days ago, etc.

Since in one of the interviews, Todd mentioned something to the effect that "some Radiant Story quests will involve NPC asking you to assassinate a character you have befriended or interacted with, and some NPCs will try to have you assassinated if you really piss them off" - I think it's possible there could be people following you all over Skyrim.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:27 pm

Since there are 2 different types of jails, maybe one is for more serious crimes?

Do you think each of the nine holds will have 2 different types of jails?

Or maybe one kind of jail is for enemies of the state (i.e., Rebels in the Loyalist holds and a torture chamber for Loyalist dogs in the Rebel holds)?

my guess would be for the lvl of the crime. maybe town jail and castle dungeon type thing is my guess. petty crimes like stealing would end you up in a low-medium guarded jail cell while high crimes like murder will end you up in a heavily guarded dungeon beneath that holds capital.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:21 am

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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:37 pm

If there end up being bounty hunters or Regulators that track you from one hold to another a la FO3, I certainly hope the A.I. allows for a more complex process for them to track you, like spawning in a town you visited 3 game-days ago, etc.

Since in one of the interviews, Todd mentioned something to the effect that "some Radiant Story quests will involve NPC asking you to assassinate a character you have befriended or interacted with, and some NPCs will try to have you assassinated if you really piss them off" - I think it's possible there could be people following you all over Skyrim.

god i can only hope that there are bounty hunters. they should be the only ones that ignore what hold the crime was committed in vs what hold you are currently in.

they could be controlled by the game keeping track of how long you have stayed in a current area vs how far you travelled from your last location vs how long it takes to get from your past location to your current that you have stayed in for x amount of time. if the time to get from past to current location exceeds a certain amount of time you should have a 65% chance of a bounty hunter spawning. of course the game should compensate for the time of travel a little because the distance may realistically be that far.

also i would like to see a couple of different classes of bounty hunters. there could be those that go after the small time crimes like theft (the monetary amount stolen though to get a bounty put out should be reasonably high) and then there could be the tougher more dangerous BH's that go after higher crimes like murder. the higher the amount of the bounty based on how many or how important the person was you killed could effect how tough the BH(s) is that comes after you.

and while i am talking about bounty hunters i would love to see a easter egg of a bounty hunter named Wolf the Bounty Hunter who could resemble Dog the Bounty Hunter. he could be the toughest bounty hunter in the game and should have a few special requirements to spawn.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:44 am

I think the possibilities are really great for many new bounty options, but I'm not sure I like the idea of my bounty going away after an amount of time at least for murders anyway. Although I do like the idea that some crimes being overlooked by a rival of hold in which you commit a crime.
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Nathan Hunter
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