» Thu May 19, 2011 7:02 am
I think this new bounty system is terrific!
I think it would be most effective if they made a system where your bounty goes away for a certain category of crimes (stealing, having summons out in town, vandalism, ect.) after a period of time and it stays with you forever for other crimes (murder, treason, ect.).
Also, like in the previous games, guards should just attack you (You will pay with your life!) if the crime you committed was huge like if you wiped out a city or murdered the king.
If the guards catch you, and you surrender yourself after committing a huge crime I think they should banish you or sentence you to death. If they banish you, there should be posters with your face on it around the towns in that bounty region. Also, you should be able to somehow end this banishment by paying a very heavy fine (100 grand) or by doing some great deed (saving a city from a dragon attack :hubbahubba: ) And if you return while banished, you will be attacked by guards and citizens looking to collect a reward for turning you in or at the least imprisoned.
If you are sentenced to death I think you should be placed in a special prison that the character is able to break out of somehow. Of course, this would have to be very challenging and would increase the bounty on your head.