I suspect something more insidious at work. That it is merely a facade, an illusion of a break made possible by a new and powerful dark magic, and the experience of non-linear time is but a symptom used conveniently to explain away what sinister powers continue to perpetrate, under our very noses...
Within our very minds.
Yet who will show the courage or the strength to question openly? To challenge what is being done?
Knowing full well they will be condemned for it and more than likely, if history is any precedent, denied the necessary support that would allow them to avoid a purposeless martyrdom, where none are even aware of what foul secrets they died to protect...
Surely we have not all allowed this evil to consume us unchallenged? On the very cusp of immortality, with more possible than anytime before in our history, surely we are not so cowardly afraid?
Surely there are still those of influence in positions of power that would fight for righteousness and freedom, at a time when this new "magic" would threaten it's very survival, and that of us all?
We cannot all have been fooled, convinced it was necessary. We can't all have locked away our hearts, consenting to save ourselves or pretend that what we do to deny could possibly from what is now upon us.
Surely we are not so blind to not see what is happening...