OOC: I know some readers will find it cliche' that the protagonist is a vault dweller but there is a reason and when I started planning this fanfic that was my initial concept. Settle in as this is a very long chapter.
Chapter 2: Vault Politics When the world was consumed by nuclear hellfire on October 23, 2077 the lucky few chosen by Vault-tec were saved from the worlds fate by taking refuge in one of the 122 underground vaults. Those saved by the Vaults were led to believe that they were an integral part of society and were needed to recolonize the United States once a predetermined amount of time had passed on the outside. In reality the Vaults were constructed to allow the government to secretly study preselected segments of the American population to observe how they would react to the stresses of isolation and how successfully they would re-colonize the devastated Earth after the Vault opened. The master mind behind this scheme was the Enclave, a secret shadow organization of federal officials and corporate executives within the federal government that used the Vault-tec company to set up this sinister experiment. The Enclave also had a second agenda which was to carry out immoral and often inhumane experiments on live subjects. The experiments carried out in each Vault varied amongst them. In order to assure things went according to plan each Vault had an Overseer who was a Vault-tec official. The Overseer's acted as a leader to the Vault inhabitants while in secret coordinated the Enclave experiments.
There was however one exception to this which was Vault 114 whose Overseer Keith Brunswick had no intention of following through with the Enclave's experiments. In preparation for the nuclear war Brunswick ordered enough food to supply the vault for 250 years even though the vault was only supposed to stay closed for eighty years. In order to assure his plan wasn't foiled he forged a copy of the supply orders he made using a ranking Vault-tec employee as his scapegoat. While Vault-tec and The Enclave dealt with his patsy Brunswick proceeded to steal a number of water chips to guarantee his Vault would always have water as the chips had a tendency to give out. Finally Brunswick erased all data about Vault 114 from as many terminals as possible while killing as many people as possible who knew the Vault's location.
Kieth Brunswick's plan succeeded as The Enclave didn't realize what he had done until October 22,2077 one day before the bombs fell. Having successfully protected his flock from Armageddon and the twisted Enclave experiment Kieth took on a successor whom he began grooming to take his place when he passed on.
A little over two hundred years later Brunswick's plan is still in motion as each Overseer after him took on a successor to ensure the Vault stay sealed for as long as possible giving the outside world a chance to recover. The current Overseer is Brianna Sullivan who was prepared for the position by her father Alexander Sullivan the former Overseer. Miss Sullivan on the outside appears to be a generally good woman who tries to do the best for the vault dwellers, but appearances can be deceiving as in reality she is a manipulative, controlling, individual who hates those who oppose her way of thinking.
Two years ago a small group of vault dwellers began to protest as they wanted the vault door opened but the Overseer viamately opposed the idea. After months of protest were largely ignored the group then called for the Overseer's position to be replaced by democracy where each vault citizens voice could be heard instead of disregarded. Many vault citizens then began backing the protest group in the hopes that the Overseer's position would be abolished. On September 17,2278 with the backing of sixty-five percent of vault residents the leader of the group Everett Foster asked for the Overseer to relinquish her post. Two days passed without any response from the Overseer on her decision. On the third day the bodies of Everett's top men were found dead in their rooms apparently due to natural causes, even upon autopsy by the medical examiner no evidence could contradict the initial findings. As for Everett Foster he had vanished as if he had never been in the vault. It is widely believed but unproven that the Overseer and vault security were responsible.
That afternoon the Overseer gathered the vault for a mandatory meeting to express her sadness for the tragic disappearance of Everett and the death of his loyal followers. Though she said all the right things her tone held a great deal of malice, as if she was threatening those who opposed her rule as Overseer. Since that day none have acted against the Overseer's wishes fearing that they would end up like Everett Foster.
It is now August 24,2280 almost two years after the Everett Foster incident, on this day the Overseer has summoned Bertram Alden the supply specialist for an important meeting in her office.
August 24,2280 7:45 P.M.
* Vault Level One*
Bertram just coming off the vault elevator walks up a winding hallway to the secretaries desk just outside the Overseer's office. The secretary was busily filing her nails whilst humming to herself which left her completely oblivious to Bertram's presence. Bertram waited for several minutes before losing his patience. In order to get the girls attention Bertram rapped upon the desk. Finally the girl took notice, "How long have you been waiting and why didn't you say something?" Bertram cleared his throat, "I simply waited for you to take notice when you didn't I tapped the desk." The secretary had a blank expression on her face while listening to Bertram's response. "So anyway what are you doing here Mr?" Bertram was quickly losing patience with the obviously incompetent help. "My name is Bertram Alden and I was summoned here for an emergency meeting with the Overseer." In order to prove his point Bertram produced a large manila colored envelope filled with papers which he had tucked under his arm.
The secretary ignored the produced document as she opened a drawer on her desk retrieving a datebook with the Overseer's schedule inside. After thumbing through the pages she shook her head, "Sorry your not in here Mr.Alden if you would like to see the Overseer you'll have to fill out these forms in triplicate." The secretary then opened the bottom left drawer grabbing a large stack of papers which she then placed on her desk for Bertram to sign. Nearly strained to his limits Bertram responded angrily, "Now listen here Missy I just received a note from the Vault Courier to gather certain sensitive data then report here. So if you would kindly call the Overseer through your intercom I'll be on my way." The secretary huffed, "Fine, but if I get in trouble it's on your head buddy." The secretary pressed her intercom, "Madame Overseer I have a Bertram Alden who says he needs to see you."
*Inside Overseer's Office*
The Overseer stood by the porthole-like window staring out when she heard the secretaries message. She stood at the window a moment longer staring at her faces reflection wondering how at the age of forty-four she had so many frown lines etched into her forehead. Remembering the message she walked over to the intercom depressing the speaker button, "Send him in.", were her only words as she sat down awaiting Bertram's arrival.
*Outside Overseer's Office*
The secretary looked dumbstruck upon hearing the Overseer's words. Quickly returning to her ditsy persona she flashed a fake smile towards Bertram, "The Overseer will see you now, Mr.Alden." Returning the smile Bertram walked past the secretaries desk over to the Overseer's door where two stone faced guards stood at attention. One of them pressed the door-switch then motioned for Bertram to enter. Nodding Bertram made his way inside, the door shutting behind him. The secretary then returned to filing her nails humming a tune.
*Inside Overseer's Office*
Bertram still upset from his dialogue with the secretary hastily got his temper in check obviously not wanting to upset the Overseer. With her hands resting atop the bright brown oval shaped desk she spoke, "Mr.Alden please have a seat we have much to discuss." Walking briskly over to the chair Bertram slowly sat down he then proceeded to place the envelope onto her desk. "Are these the documents I asked for?" "Yes, madam Overseer", Bertram replied. "Good will you please give me a status report on vault rations", she asked. "But ma'am all that is included in the report I brought." "I'm sure it is Bertram but I asked you to give me a status report, unless you have a problem doing that?", she asked while folding her arms and furrowing her brow. Sensing trouble he responded swiftly, "No ma'am I was merely stating the information was at your disposal should you wish to look at it. Clearing his throat, "Well madam Overseer after inspecting all available rations the vault only has twenty years of food in reserve. If we include the hydroponics system there is enough for twenty two."
This news caused the many frown lines on her face to emerge, she then began to rub her forehead pondering a course of action. Why are our food supplies so low there should be enough food to last another twenty-fiver years at least." Bertram leaned back in his seat, "The answer to that ma'am is quite simple population growth, I've checked with the vault record keeper, at capacity the vault is only supposed to hold 450 occupants we have almost 800." Overseer Brianna sighs upon hearing Bertram's report. "What more can I do Bertram, I've ordered that only married couples may apply for intercourse through our family counselor, troublemakers and those that try to have unauthorized intercourse are forcibly sterilized. I've even gone so far as to issue water and ration tickets to limit the amount of food consumed. I don't no what else can be done apart from banning intercourse completely and killing off a percentage of vault inhabitants."
Bertram contemplated the Overseer's query for quite some time but alas could think of a single idea one which he was certain she would never agree to. "Madam Overseer, can we not just throw out half the population." Overseer Brianna seemed to consider the idea as she spent quite sometime thinking about it. Several minutes later a grin spread across the Overseer's face indicating she had thought of something. "Bertram you've given me an idea but before I inform you of my intent the presence of Security Chief Richard Caine will be needed. Overseer Brianna activated her intercom, "Rose, I need you to page Security Chief Caine that he is to report to my office immediately", she then released the button without waiting for a response.
Not even a minute had passed when Chief Caine rushed into the office. He immediately saluted then made his way over to a vacant chair which he promptly sat in. "Ma'am you called?", asked Chief Caine. The Overseer's callous grin remained on her face as she answered. "Yes, I did Chief Caine, from your computer files how far back does our list of criminal records go?" The Chief thought about the question for a minute while rubbing his chin. "Now I'm not 100% sure but I believe our terminal records go back ten years after that all information is transferred to the Records Department on level five." The Overseer nodded attentively as Chief Caine spoke while Bertram on the other hand was having great difficulty staying awake. "Chief Caine I will need you to gather the last twenty years of documented criminal records and have them brought to my office at once."I'll have my second in command have those documents to you without delay." Chief Caine pulled a radio from a pouch on his belt which he brought up to his mouth. "Leon...Leon.....Leon get your sorry ass up!"
*Vault Level Two*
Leon slept peacefully outside his post which was the vault's armory. When all of a sudden he was jolted awake by screaming echoing through his radio. Stifling a yawn Leon grabbed his radio from his belt bringing it up to his mouth. "Yeah...yes Chief Caine...something you need, sir." "For your sake Leon I sincerely hope you weren't sleeping on the job." "No, Chief Caine it just took me a minute to get my radio out, sir."Uh-huh likely story! We'll discuss that later I need you to head down to level five and bring up the last decade of archived criminal records up. "Yes, sir, I'll get right on it", Leon replied before placing the radio back onto his belt. With the Chief finally out of earshot Leon let out a yawn he had been holding in since he woke up. He then ran his fingers through his short messy dark brown hair. Finally he took a minute to stretch out his stiff limbs before heading towards the elevator. Still slightly drowsy Leon stumbled over to the elevator pressing the call button. About twenty seconds later Leon could hear the rumbling of the elevator coming to a stop. The large heavy gray doors opened with a outpouring of vault dwellers rushing out. Leon stepped onto the elevator pressing the button for level five. Leon stood towards the left corner waiting for the elevator to head back down as it's present course was heading to level one. Nearly eight minutes later the elevator ground to a halt at the lowest level.
*Vault Level Five*
Leon walked out then proceeded down the hall to a intersection where he took a left. Walking past several doors he stopped at the last door at the end of the hallway. To the left of the door was a gold embroidered nameplate reading "Records Department", pressing the door switch, Leon stepped inside. Before he crossed the threshold he could already make out the gravelly voice of Paul the Record Keeper. "What brings one of vault securities finest down to see ol' Paul?" Leon stepping into the dimly lit room immediately noticed the room was nearly full of boxes holding the vault's history. "Paul I'm here on behalf of the Chief, he's requesting the last decade of archived criminal records." The diminutive man climbed down the ladder he had been standing on , once his feet reached the ground he adjusted his eyeglasses then began mumbling to himself. Waving to Leon, "Follow me I'm pretty sure they should be on the back corner shelf." Leon followed the stout man as he weaved through the many boxes strewn about the records room. When Leon finally reached the back Paul was already looking over the boxes. "You said the last decade, right?" "Yes, Paul", Leon replied. Paul nodded then pulled out three large brown boxes stacking one on atop of another. With a heavy sigh Paul exclaimed, "Phew! That should be all of them."
Leon groaned as he lifted the stack of boxes up as he then began a careful trek through the maze of containers towards the exit. After some careful navigation Leon stepped out of the dimly lit Records Room and back into the brightly illuminated vault corridor. Leon made his way back to the elevator as fast as he could but as he rounded the corner he saw the elevator doors closing. Hollering out for someone to hold the doors Leon bounded toward the elevator. Luckily the doors reopened as a helpful vault dweller pressed the hold button allowing Leon to rush inside. "Thanks" he called breathlessly as the doors closed once more. The ride to level one was much shorter only taking about three minutes.
*Vault Level One*
Leon got off on then began making his way to the Overseer's office. Leon stopped outside the Overseer's office to converse with the secretary, who was one of Gale's close friends. "Rose, I've got some important documents for the Overseer may I head in." Looking up from the ancient magazine she was reading, "Sure head on in Leon, Overseer Brianna is expecting you", she said before returning to her magazine article. Walking over to the door both guards saluted then the one standing on the right-hand side activated the door switch permitting Leon's entry.
*Inside Overseer's Office*
Entering the room he could see it was quite crowded with the presence of Supply Specialist Alden, Security Chief Caine, Vault Physician Doctor Prescott, Chief Engineer Falco, Head Mechanic Bergowitz, and another security officer Leon was friends with named Wedge. Security Chief Caine looked over noticing Leon's arrival. "What took you so long? The Overseer was growing imp--" "That's enough Chief Caine we have more important matters to discuss. Like why I summoned you all here and why I asked for these documents?" "Beg pardon ma'am", the Chief interrupted. "Leon, Wedge get out of here you've done your part so return to your duties, oh and this time Leon try not to fall asleep." Wedge shrugged his shoulders as he exited the office returning to his assigned post. Leon walked over to the Overseer's desk gingerly placing the boxes down then turned to leave. "Stay where you are Leon", the Overseer instructed. Overseer Brianna then turned to Chief Caine. "Leon is second-in-command of vault security which means he is privy to what I'm about to say." Leon was glad he got to stay as he was quite interested in the Overseer's announcement. Since there were no available seats left Leon was forced to lean against a nearby wall.
"Now I've gathered you all here to discuss a serious problem within Vault 114 but what I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this room. Is that clear, gentlemen?" Each man in the room quickly agreed to the terms wondering just what exactly was going on. The Overseer nodded then began to speak.
"Our food supply is rapidly running out due to overpopulation as vault Supply Specialist Alden has informed me. Due to this problem our food supplies will run out as early as 2300 or as late as 2302 when we should have enough to last until 2327. I've already taken as many preventive steps as possible but as the old saying goes you can't close the barn after the horse has gotten out. Previous Overseer's let population growth get out of hand so now we must nip this crisis in the bud. Now what I'm about to propose is very unorthodox but it seems like our only recourse to survive the coming storm." Overseer Brianna took a brief pause to let her words sink in before continuing.
"I am ordering the vault door opened and all inhabitants over eighteen years of age with a criminal record will be exiled into the Wasteland. That is why I had the last twenty years of criminal records brought so a list can be compiled. I will also be authorizing those who wish to leave the vault that option as well. Of course there will be some exceptions, for those with integral positions in the vault and those that have proven their loyalty will not be exiled nor allowed to leave. Now it will take about two weeks to go through all the files that's when I'll make my announcement. That is also when I'll begin accepting forms for those who wish to leave of their own accord. Are their any questions?"
Doctor Prescott rose from his seat. "Yes, madam Overseer I have several questions I would like answered. How many vault dweller's do you plan on exiling? Will they receive any supplies? Why not simply open the vault and utilize the G.E.C.K.?
"Well Doctor Prescott if possible I will try to cut the vault population in half. As to your second question, yes, those that are exiled will receive three days worth of food and water. Those that leave willingly will receive five days worth of food and water. The vault can't, and won't offer more than that. Of course personal belongings will be allowed to be taken. To your third question while I would like to use the G.E.C.K. now, I rather we wait until more time passes and their aren't any alternatives."
The grey haired Doctor Prescott was obviously unimpressed by the Overseer's response but returned to his seat. Once more Overseer Brianna asked if their were more questions but this time the room remained silent. "Alright then you are all dismissed except for you Chief Caine there are some matters we must discuss. As to everyone else remember not to tell anyone what is going to transpire I'd prefer it if we didn't have any unfortunate incidents. Like riots."
As Leon made his way out a single thought ran through his mind. "Life in the vault is about to change."
OOC2: I hope you enjoyed this chapter as almost four whole days went into writing it. There was no action but quite a bit went to the plot of the coming chapters. As always all criticism and corrections are welcomed. Wouldn't mind a bit of praise either
