» Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:29 pm
Ugh, too much to read.
I'm about halfway through the ones listed and came across this rubbish (http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2011/02/28/preview-brink-2/):
"At the climix of our demo, as our charge was just yards from safety, the Security ramped up their efforts. Combined with a tight, narrow area we had to battle through, everything turned into a bit of a meat grind. We were constantly respawning, running, dying and respawning, making just incremental progress each time. It seemed a little mindless. Perhaps familiarity with the map and improved tactics will bypass this minor niggle."
I love how it is the game's fault for the players being unable to adapt. I wonder how many trips to the meat grinder it took before they even attempted something new. I can only hope that such choke points take us back to the days of de_dust.
I also came across this little quote (http://www.co-optimus.com/preview/694/page/2/brink-hands-on-co-op-preview.html):
"I compare it to the FASA developed Shadowrun FPS that came out a few years back. While many people didn't appreciate the game, there was a solid group of my friends that enjoyed the game which featured a similar dynamic because of its class based gameplay. I mentioned this, almost embarrassingly, to Splash Damage, but to my surprise they seemed OK with it and agreed."
For me, this is fantastic news as Shadowrun was perhaps the most balanced shooter of this generation of gaming. Sadly, it had far too many shortcomings in other areas. Regardless, Shadowrun was one of the few games were every ability had a pro and a con. It was never simply about using the 'overpowered' choice as you had to counter your opponents' strategies while developing/executing one of your own.
EDIT: So I finally finished scanning over every article I could find and came across the proper response to the choke point issue (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-02-28-brink-hands-on?page=1):
"It's a slaughter. For minute after minute our medics go rushing out under storms of enemy fire to get the man back on his feet, only for him to topple over just a few feet closer to our exit elevator. I try clambering across the top of the level, but can't find an angle for sniping. I change to an engineer and try dropping gun emplacements, but they're shattered by enemy fire in seconds. I just don't know what to do. I don't know the level, the tricks relating to all the class-specific powers, or quite who to help."
So it seems that the choke points are brutal, at least for the offensive team. This is not to say that they are impossible but that definite tactics will be required to complete certain objectives. Great job SD!