» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:48 pm
I have this issue in singale player after 1.4 as well. Several I issues that I think are related:
1. At some point in the game I can't fire a gun or zoom in. The way to get out of it is to pull out my heavy ordinace by pressign "3" key, then it it allows me to fire again.
2. All of a sudden I was able to carry 3 guns! SCAR, K-Volt and a Hammer. After some time I decided to pick up a DSG-1 to replace my kvolt, Then it seems to screw up everything and my DSG-1 cannot refill any ammo, so I end up carrying a SCAR, a hammer and an empy DSG-1 that I can't use (the DSG-1 still appear in teh weapon switchign cycle with no bullets). It only returns to normal after everything resets in the beginning of "Semperfi or Die".
3. When problem 1 occurs, I also could not spritn as well. So it seems to me that it affects all action that requires you to hold down the button. You know...like..you need to hold down mouse1 to fire adn hodl **** to sprint...don't knwo what the technical term is.
And not sure if it's just me, some covers after 1.4 seems to be destructible? I got killed several times thinking I am safe behind cover until it got shattered by enemy bullets. And the AI seems to be better at spotting me in cloak mode. It these are the enhancements its's actually pretty nice.