2 New bugs found after the latest patch.

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:09 pm

I found two new bugs after the new patch.

1. Maximum Nanosuit
I don't know if this is similar for others, but when I activate my Max Nanosuit, nothing happens. It doesn't cahnge my screen to an unlimited armor mode, my energy isn't indefinetly 100, and people still kill me with the same ease as before. I basically just hit a button, to get no results. Don't know why this is happening. Maybe others have this problem too?

2. Light Shotgun Attachment
I have no ammo for it. Perhaps when they tried to reduce the effectiveness with the last patch, they accidentally took all the ammo as well. I dunno, others have told me they have the same issue.

I love the multiplayer, and I can't deny the feeling of joy I get from successfully kicking a hacker. I am not slamming Crytek for anything, because I think they made a great game with a few small flaws. I just wanted these bugs reported so that Crytek knew about them and did something to fix them. Max Nanosuit is now useless, and so is the Light Shotgun. Please fix these Crytek!

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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:43 pm

Yeah. I don't know about light shotgun attachment but Maximum nanosuit is bugged. Nothing happens when you activate it, no infinite energy, no increased armor protection and it uses all 7 dog tags.
Theres also another bug with killstreaks. It's nanosuit jammer (the thing that look like a box and has radius which scrambles your mini map and spends ur energy) it glows very very very bright. It's like it is ignoring transparency effect to make it look like its distorting. Its just glowing brightly white and it has like 5 or 6 layers of it as its moving toward to the box. If you could OP edit ur post and add this jammer also so crytek can see :)
PS: Any1 noticed no more orbital lag? its now orbital strike as it is :D
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