- There are 2 remaining interior cells (parts of the fort) I need to finish fiddling around with and the exterior of the main part of the fort.
- The Halfway Tavern is the only building besides those 2 fort interiors that needs its skeleton layout finished.
- Some of the grotto is decorated because I was feeling lazy and copy/pasted some other grotto over for the base design I worked off of.
- Every single interior has working door markers in place.
- There are no Northmarker's in any of the new interiors (decided I'd leave that for you

I swear its impossible to come up with a good exterior fort design for the main keep. And I also remembered why I always deleted vanilla interior pieces before changing stuff around...saving an esp and loading it back up only to find interior pieces back in there original positions is extremely irritating.

Edit: All I have left to do now before I clean it and send it your way is finish the Halfway Tavern. Would be really nice to have a more seamless custom mesh for the tavern instead of putting 2 buildings together though to get the look I want for it. Meh, better than nothing I guess.