I looked around the place a little with the CS the other day. Not very thoroughly mind, but I did notice some stuff.
-The hanging moss on the side of Surane Leoriane's house can be raised up a bit as you can see the diagonal sections on the top of them sticking down some.
-The house added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=959 to the right of and somewhat behind Canodia Fallanus' house will most assuredly conflict with the changes to that area, although it should be easily fixable from the looks of it.
-A section of Ghorak Manor near the back door is sticking above the ground.
-The wall separating Ghorak Manor from the smithy yard could perhaps be changed into a fence with a gate or some such.
Other than that I think its looking good so far.
Oh, and I've been working on making those skeleton interiors for my Pelagiad town for you. I was trying to redesign the Tavern at one point to better fit the new exterior look, but decided that I will leave that for last as its going to be tricky due to the odd design of the vanilla Tavern (the vanilla design is a square when it should be a rectangle). I also had to change one of the nord houses I was using on the exterior to a different one because the interior for the house is unfinished. Nord house 5's interior that is...which does explain why its not used in the game I guess.