Aragorn style build:
Majors: Light armor, two-handed, restoration or alchemy
Minors: Speechcraft, archery
Note: Higher focus on stamina than health
Overlord Illusionist:
Majors: Illusion, Conjuration, Speechcraft
Minors: Smithing
Note: Companions and summons for all fighting; become ethereal and illusion to stay safe or escape. Maybe some smithing to improve companion's equipment.
Shadow Executioner:
Majors: Two handed - hammer or headsman's axe, sneak (for sneak attacks with 2 handers), light armor
Minors: Alchemy (poison), block?
Majors: Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy
Minors: Restoration, Lock-picking
Notes: Play as support role for companions by buffing them to insane. Avoid quests where you can't take along companions.