So i made a new character in Fallout 4 for the PS4 and decided to name him Grognak after grognak the barbarian So i made him look like Thor and was pleased thatCogsworth says calls me Grognak...
Mind blown!
So i made a new character in Fallout 4 for the PS4 and decided to name him Grognak after grognak the barbarian So i made him look like Thor and was pleased thatCogsworth says calls me Grognak...
Mind blown!
There's actually a list of names that Cogsworth says. Not sure where the link is; I saw it on IGN.
Pretty cool that Cogsworth knows my ACTUAL name! Freaked me out to hear at first!
If you look closely at the List of names Codsworth can use, you find some very interesting trends.
Specifically, you can tell what books and movies the Dev. Team likes.
And that just explains so very much about Fo4.