Wanting to create new characters all the time is probably a symptom of a larger problem of game design.
If my character isn't satisfying, I might think it's the character and start again fresh. In reality, it's possibly the underlying mechanics being poorly designed that are sabotaging the fun.
You may have a point there, I do feel that the previous TES games have taught us to be strict about the way we play, or we will end up with a jack of all trades, good at everything but great at nothing. Skyrim from Oblivion just screws with this concept even more than from Morrowind to Oblivion. Most of my characters do begin with a skill set and concept I'm really interested in, then something happens like I'll see the assassin character on the loading screen dual wielding daggers and want to try that one on for size. Then see the mage.. and so on. I've repeated the intro quest to the DB roughly 6 times so far, but my current character is a stealthy-archer using mainly alchemy as a crutch.
One problem is I get the character build going and realize I put a perk in a skill I may never use, as happened with my mage using a 1H weapon. Or I come onto the forums here and see people stating certain things are nerfed and never work as they should and get bent out of shape.
Except one thing I'm positive of is that, if I were to take all the opinions on here seriously,
any character you could possibly make is consider broken by the standards here on these fourms.
Edit: An example of my above statement is that, Destruction apparently doesn't scale and therefore won't be strong enough for end game damage, archery does not allow for long long range shots. One thing I could say to counter that (with the game as it is now) would be that you need to support destruction with alteration, illusion, conjuration, and enchanting. And use sneak to get closer to your targets to make it a challenge.