Hello people!
I am kinda new of playing this game and I would like to make a tank or paladin or whatever you like to say it. Big HP, Good Armor.. And I would like to use two-handed weapon, but what it should be? Melee weapon, no range or mage weapons.
So... Help me:
1. Race?
2. Birthmark?
3. Everything?

~ Greetings from Finland!
I recommend you create a build yourself and then post for comment. That way it will be your character.
And the real "secret" about the game is that the starting build doesn't really matter all that much (unfortunately, IMHO), except maybe a little at early levels.
But some things to think about
Race: the races build for a tank are Orc and Nord. Reguard too, though that's more of a sophisticated and skilled combat race vs a dumb tank. I prefer Redguards for combat characters. But if you like the looks of some other race (Khajiit, Argonan, tall Altmer) that will likely work out fine.
Birthsign: Warrior and Lady are very good starting tank signs. Longer term Mage is great. My favorite sign is probably Atronach, but I do NOT recommend for a new player, since lack of magicka regen takes some knowledge of the game.
Skills: The trick in the game is to not level too fast, otherwise (unlike many other games) you can get weaker. General advice would be to spread the skills out amount the governing attributes, like one skill from each. But you can alter that a little. For example, for a tank I"d consider Armorer and Block as majors. I would definitely not put all three skills of an attribute as majors (cause problems a bit to complex to explain here). So if you have Armorer and Block as majors, I'd put Heavy Armor as a minor (even and especially if you use Heavy Armor alot). Putting fast leveling skills as majors causes problems - so I'd keep skills like Alchemy, Sneak, Light Armor as minors even if you use those. If you'll ever use a bow, Marksmanship is a good major because it levels slowly. Also Restoration is usually a very good major. Otherwise I recommend picking some skills and posting for comment.
Good luck.