New character tips?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:12 pm

Hi all,

My character right now is level 33, has completed the main quest (dragon not civil war), is a dual wielding warrior who uses just enough fire to let people know he's there and has a firm grasp on morality. His only "flaw" is that he enjoys the bloodshed and thrill of the hunt and can sometimes get in over his head. Thank goodness for the shouts.

Anyways, after a hard day at work or whatever, I wanna go play a toon that is just a total [censored]. I don't wanna go HEAVY into the RP, but I'd like to get into the character and be able to unleash my "dark side" so to speak. That's where you experienced people come in. Any advise on race, playstyle, things to watch for or just general tips on how to make that character enjoyable? I generally don't play this type of character so any advise will be welcomed.

Thank you
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:56 pm

Join the Dark Brotherhood (the opportunity is made available to you, but I won't spoil how).
Become a vampire.

You don't need to pick a particular race for that kind of thing. As far as playstyles go... one-handed, sneak, illusion, maybe a little conjuration? Other than those basic ideas, I think the world is your oyster.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:30 pm

Try to be a sneaky lil bastard,,, Argonian Kajiit and wood elf are all good choices, thieves guild ,dark brotherhood , vamps cool but will stop u alot of times because of the sun and lvl 4 people will kill u on sight soooo, if u dont wanna get annoyed then dont go vamp, vamps really only good for illusion and frost resistance, they also get a health drain that scales with wat stage ur vamp is, stage 4 draining 8 points i think.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:20 am

What about killing citizens that piss me off? Sneaking into people's houses and slitting their throats, leaving poisoned food...all that stuff still available?
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:46 pm

You can actually drop poison onto people (reverse pickpocket) If you have the perk, it works very well and also doesn't alert them (despite instant damage).

If you go the sneak/assassin route, don't go heavily into illusion as well... there's a game breaking combination involving a certain illusion spell and sneak perk that can make you basically undetectable, like 100% chameleon in Oblivion.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:16 pm

Hi all,

My character right now is level 33, has completed the main quest (dragon not civil war), is a dual wielding warrior who uses just enough fire to let people know he's there and has a firm grasp on morality. His only "flaw" is that he enjoys the bloodshed and thrill of the hunt and can sometimes get in over his head. Thank goodness for the shouts.

Anyways, after a hard day at work or whatever, I wanna go play a toon that is just a total [censored]. I don't wanna go HEAVY into the RP, but I'd like to get into the character and be able to unleash my "dark side" so to speak. That's where you experienced people come in. Any advise on race, playstyle, things to watch for or just general tips on how to make that character enjoyable? I generally don't play this type of character so any advise will be welcomed.

Thank you

There is a very cool Khajit Avatar you can make.
Set skins to dark an pick last hairset.
Then customize.
Should fit what you want.
I found a playstyle with Sword+Shield to be the most fun in Melee, combinded with bows for range.
I would pick +60% stealth and the X6 1H Sneak attack damage bonus and not go for any other sneak perks because it is probably lame then.
Combine that with Alteration, Restoration and Alchemy I would say.
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:47 am

I'll also add that done right, a combination of maces, all the relevant combat perks including the armor reduction, and some enchantments for bonus damage, is actually higher damage against many opponents than dual daggers with the 15x perk.

Edit: That's for sneak kills. And it's way more effective in non-sneak mode combat, of course.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:12 pm

Dual wielding bound sword is pretty cool for a stealth char... But you have to invest 4 points in illusion to get the silent casting.
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