"Real Drugs" save for Alcohol and Smokes - have not been in the games, ever, unless modded to be so. This was done on purpose to keep kids from actually messing with em.
Fallout Universe "similars" were placed in instead, to give the drug feeling, to show the evils, etc, but without that real world problem: (just like how instead of "Drugs" they are called "Chems")
"Jet" is named from "speed" for example.
"Buffout" is obviously a type of Steroid.
In case you didn't put 2 and 2 together - "Med-X" is "morphine" however due to "Real names battle" it had to be renamed.
Super/Ultra Jet has been in other games (Fallout 2) but didn't really grace Fallout 3, and, broke the storyline of it just a tad.
I don't really want to see "more new chems" around, there is plenty to get addicted to and to unbalance your game as much as you like already- but some newer effects for those chems would be nice, although depending on what happens these might actually give the game a higher Age rating - or even disallow sales in some areas.
If your really that interested in more chems - I highly suggest buying the PC version -this way you can get an ample supply of Mods to add to your game to play however you like, even on "Super" Chems.