Are you tired of teams dedicated to Shame Enhancing in groups? Are you fed up of Noobified's ego and suspicous code of conduct, in which he tries to recruit clans members from X, NFCT, and others? Yesterday he antagonized young InnovatingGamer, calling him a peasant. What is this the 14th century? Who gets called a peasant?!
There were several agreements between Noobified and LentValZen when L337 formed. Noobified continues to bolster S2K team against NFCT and I'm sure other clans. This is in strict violation of the L337 way. But we now know that Noobified feels he is above any moral codes in our game.
So I call upon the former members of the Kings, Shofz and Protege my friends, NanoTraion, X members, HarmonikZ and Epyon, and my dear friend LentValZen to troll S2K off of Crysis 2, and although there is no way to get Noobified off Crysis, Im am sure that we can find him where ever he hides, and then invite all elites to get him to "back out."Everyday we will make him and S2K backout until thier rage turns into retirement. Noobified is running out of friends, and respect.
TASC, stands for: The Anti-Shame Coalition
I'm fed up of Noobified's shameful code of conduct, and his suspect play, but more then anything I'm done with S2K and their united shame-enhancing clusterfawk playstyle. I feel strongly that they played the largest part in making shame enhancing the only way to play, and we now know it's easy and unethical, especially when done by a 6 man squad clustered up like ants at a picnic.
So sign here, and join Clan TASC. Wave your current clan tags proudly, but when you see Noobified, or S2K, or them playing together, send out the TASC beacon, so that what's left of the legit players in the game may aid you in bringing them to their knees!!!!