New clan TASC: Attention all Elites

Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:47 pm

Hello Crysis 2 Clans,

Are you tired of teams dedicated to Shame Enhancing in groups? Are you fed up of Noobified's ego and suspicous code of conduct, in which he tries to recruit clans members from X, NFCT, and others? Yesterday he antagonized young InnovatingGamer, calling him a peasant. What is this the 14th century? Who gets called a peasant?!

There were several agreements between Noobified and LentValZen when L337 formed. Noobified continues to bolster S2K team against NFCT and I'm sure other clans. This is in strict violation of the L337 way. But we now know that Noobified feels he is above any moral codes in our game.

So I call upon the former members of the Kings, Shofz and Protege my friends, NanoTraion, X members, HarmonikZ and Epyon, and my dear friend LentValZen to troll S2K off of Crysis 2, and although there is no way to get Noobified off Crysis, Im am sure that we can find him where ever he hides, and then invite all elites to get him to "back out."Everyday we will make him and S2K backout until thier rage turns into retirement. Noobified is running out of friends, and respect.

TASC, stands for: The Anti-Shame Coalition

I'm fed up of Noobified's shameful code of conduct, and his suspect play, but more then anything I'm done with S2K and their united shame-enhancing clusterfawk playstyle. I feel strongly that they played the largest part in making shame enhancing the only way to play, and we now know it's easy and unethical, especially when done by a 6 man squad clustered up like ants at a picnic.

So sign here, and join Clan TASC. Wave your current clan tags proudly, but when you see Noobified, or S2K, or them playing together, send out the TASC beacon, so that what's left of the legit players in the game may aid you in bringing them to their knees!!!!



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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:32 pm

Just to clarify: Your Shame Enhancing Classes will be nescessary to bring them to justice. If he [Noobified] discontinues supplementing the S2K line-up, then all focus needs to be on S2K, and when they are conquered we will spread their riches by bringing their good guys like Ecliptic, MELTING FACE, and Nakitas, into a respectable clan.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:25 pm

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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:55 pm

s2k was around back in the day. FOOT ate them up. They left. Making FOOT clan the longest lasting clan in crysis 2. S2k isnt even that good. why all of a sudden, people think they are unbeatable? They even use c4s now. (the darkside). but they camp with it, thats weird. Another thing, ABOUT TIME YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE SHAIM AND ITS STUPIDNESS. It makes me pretty happy knowing that people will finally put it away and try to level something else up. So when are shaimers gonna move down your list mike? You should ask them how much percent they have done in the game.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:23 am

s2k was around back in the day. FOOT ate them up. They left. Making FOOT clan the longest lasting clan in crysis 2. S2k isnt even that good. why all of a sudden, people think they are unbeatable? They even use c4s now. (the darkside). but they camp with it, thats weird. Another thing, ABOUT TIME YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE SHAIM AND ITS STUPIDNESS. It makes me pretty happy knowing that people will finally put it away and try to level something else up. But I do appreciate you giving FOOT the respect we thought we deserved. So when are shaimers gonna move down your list mike? You should ask them how much percent they have done in the game.
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:55 pm

whoops. how do i delete a post?
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:28 am

The old Mike is now gone for sure. i agree with some things you say here, especially with the whole point of L337 getting together.

S2K and Noobified and MOST others have always been respectful to me as a person and as long as that continues than it doesnt really matter how they play. i am still friends with most FOOT members as most are still respectful to me and thats the bottom line here but NFCT especially now is the worst with words and hate and blaming people for things. Even your most quietist GoblinGambler sent a message to RichestWarArt a while back calling him a cheater.
You say you are tired of Shame enhancing and you blame S2K for starting it but that doesnt mean that you and/or all your friends have to follow and do the same thing and while doing the same thing you bash the teachers who started it?
S2K was gone for a long time and while they were gone most elites were using Aim Enhance and now S2K is back and you are attacking them for the use of this perk!
Is Aim Enhance cheap? YES! cheapest PERK in the game in my opinion and will always be on board with the FOOT regarding this perk but i have been guilty for a long time now using it and a few FOOT use it too which is the funny part.
Are you blaming Mr Kill U QUICK for the cheapness of C4 and how you can still blow people up after you die? or are you going to hunt the very FIRST person down who learned of the C4 and blame them because C4 is cheap, is it not?

You once told me to take a break from the forums but Enemy and yourself are WAAAAAYYYYYY worse than me but you cheer Enemy on and you have been disrespectful too but thats ok because you are above me and everybody else.
Ever since Enemy said "hello" on this forum you changed and thats the truth. Just move to Canada and shack up with Enemy. We have seen the sparks flying from the start. Will you interview me before i even start playing the game Mike? lol.
get outta here
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Karine laverre
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:20 pm

I know me and Bulls have had some unfriendly words with each other but I have to agree with him. This shame and shaze ehance is out of control. After doing research, I think its part of the reason why these "elites" like Noobified can warp strafe all over the place. Its glitched, and they all have become dependant on it.

As for you Widda, it seems like you hate me for no reason other than the fact that Mike befriended me. You seem envious over this, but I never asked anyone to be my friend on these forums. In fact the first thing I ever said to Mike was "I will testify for you Mike, your garbage". Than I got to know him and he was one of the very few that was able to see the themes behind my sometimes crazy posts. You should click the like button and become my friend to. I already sent you several requests which you denied for no good reason. You should accept them.


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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:21 pm

They respectful to you as a person Widda, only to your face, but behind your back they stab the knife deeper. Trust me. S2K came back trying to recruit high profile elites already in a clan. They hate but always show me a nice face in parties, but tell my members all type of crap about how they hate me, and how we play. They cry about Jaw rockets and grenade launcher, flash bangs, MK60, and just about everything that isn't a clone of their playstyle which is 3 perks and 1 gun. They came back to Crysis swinging from noobs nuts, a familiar locale for a Widda, not earning their victories against NFCT. His presense distorts all matches, even just last night King vs NFCT ended with almost all matches a blow out in NFCT favor with almost all kings going negative every match. But if Noobified was there we probably lose most all games with most all kings finishing with a 2 plus KD. this is not a lowblow to King. I did not name a player in the match but my point is that Noobified needs to be quarantined. Since Crytek isn't up to the task, I ask all the elites for help. Are you up for the TASC Widda? actually nevermind I know your answer. Go tell your boyfriend Noob about it.
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:03 am

So much hate Mike. It was never this bad before Enemy joined the forums and especially the game. admit it Mike, it was never this bad. All of the posts from Enemy has been mainly negative and he joined the NFCT family and trash talking REALLY started and the spamming of friend requests start in from him and now he gives your clan a bad name but for some reason you fell in love with this trash talker which really baffles me and you joined his world of negativity. You put your son "InnovatingGamer" in his room and had a talk to him about him being negative but than accepted a person into your family who is way worse and you respect the hell out of him!!!!! Instead of the father son talk you join him like the child he is! Why would you talk to Gamer about his attitude but not Enemyo? Do not dodge this question please.

Cmon Mike. Dont you think you should take a break from these forums just like you told me once or does it not apply to you? I want to know. Obviously you are full of hate nowadays and are posting negative topics as well as regular posts.
If you really are an intelligent person then i have a saying for you......"Intelligent people have no common sense"
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:44 pm

WIDDA there is so much you don't know about me. If you knew the truth you would be shocked, and the same goes for enemy. We are not bad nor are we full of hatred. We have been commissioned to clean up Crysis. If you are good, and talented refuge awaits but for those stubbornly clinging to their shameful past, termination is all the awaits thee. Join TASC, and do click the like button on your way out. Ciao Bello.
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:08 am

Oh great... Baby Mike is crying again.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:06 pm

Oh great Smiley Cat....meow pvssy cat.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:50 pm

Ever since that one thread in which you were interviewed by enemy I thought to myself, "There is no way that Mike can post anything that will top this embarressment," but wow... once again you proved me wrong. I appluad you, Mike. Take a bow because you truly take the cake on this one.
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