Going to have to disagree. The 550Ti and the 6850 (I know you didn't mention) are great 160 sub cards. Biggest bang for the littlest buck. Info based on this review:
Pretty awesome frame rates for 150
"We’ve benched this title at the lowest ‘gamer’ detail setting" That is the part that i take away from that though. The OP mention wanting to play on high settings. I did mention the 6850 though(towards the end), I like that card much better and in fact picked the 6870(there was a free upgrade form the 6850) in the build i suggested from cyberpowerPC. Though, only because the geforce 560 would have put the build at $920, which was more then he said he wanted to spend.
so will this pc be able to handle crysis 2 pretty well on max or high settings and run smoothly? will it also support games for the next 2 or 3 years mayby?