There is no new gameplay footage. Just clips from the previous trailer and bits and bats from shivering isles. It's basically saying NPC's and quests etc will be better in skyrim.
They know more on how to use the radiant AI and story better,and when and where it's needed. The NPC's will be alot more active,doing many things. He mentions about how they added juggling NPC/NPC's in shivering isles,which wasn't in oblivion. They can do alot more of that now,so it's more immersive. I like interviews alot,no matter how long or short.It gives us a chance to hear things from the horses mouth rather than ask confusing questions. The interview isn't groundbreaking,but it's still good to hear about such things,in my opinion anyway.

Slightly off topic: I forgot all about this. In the shivering isles footage they showed, ( i forgot their proper name,been a while ) flesh *-------* doing kicks and jumping kicks,so we had new animation in shivering isles too. But,my point is,does that mean that hand-to-hand as stayed in,with better moves and animations?.....i hope so

Just thought i'd add that