New Deadly reflex?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 pm

One. I am a professional moderator on a major network that has over 120 million posts, and have been for the last six years. I don't want to waste the time or the space explaining that this isn't arrogant bragging, but I've really stopped caring when it comes to you. You can think what you want. Actually, truth is..

.. I know you. I have locked your topic a thousand times, sent you as many warning PMs, and banned you a dozen times over when you went on a self righteous tirade strung out with insults, not realizing that the ToS also applies to PMs. I have watched you over and over, say things that you know are going to be provocative, and yet self assured that everyone will agree with you. The realization that everyone has called you out on your crap is never accompanied with the realization that you might actually be wrong. I have seen you again and again, say these things you know will be provocative, and when everyone doesn't agree, and when your back is against the wall, defend yourself to death as the innocent and the martyr. I have replied to dozens of your argumentative and confrontational PMs with the utmost diplomacy, trying to tell you that everything will be okay if you just let it rest, and you almost never do.

You are a pattern, and I have met you so many times.

Of course, I've also opened myself up to moderation by even participating in this little flame war. I accept that, and I won't argue with the mods.

Two. Modding is a form of creativity, and creativity is not a democracy. You are not paying for this product, and while SkyCaptain is a nice person, he is under no obligation to change anything based on anything other than his own whims. There is no need to "raise awareness", or form some kind of debate, because that debate is meaningless, and all you are doing is making yourself seem like an ungrateful kiddie who got a graqe svcker from the doctor instead of cherry.. when he gave you a choice of which you wanted to begin with. Either use DR6, or don't. DR5 is still perfectly serviceable if you don't want heads exploding with arrows. Or don't use them at all. I doubt it matters to anyone here.

... And the whole shebang comes down to this vibrant show of elitist colors.

You are simply an artist who can't take critique of any kind and can't stand anyone else getting critique. This entire wall of text is nothing but classic ad-hominem and character assassination. The staple of people who don't have a leg to stand on in a debate.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:58 am

... And the whole shebang comes down to this vibrant show of elitist colors.

You are simply an artist who can't take critique of any kind and can't stand anyone else getting critique. This entire wall of text is nothing but classic ad-hominem and character assassination. The staple of people who don't have a leg to stand on in a debate.

Nice double post there, too.
Now, you're trying to say everyone who likes to see heads explode from arrow impacts (mind you, I don't mind it but it's not a feature I love either) is an utter fool who needs explanation that it isn't realistic and must therefore be removed from DR 6. Right.

You also consider the fact you look down on everyone who likes the feature very normal. Of course, your opinion is basically the way everyone should think, and if they don't, they're fools who need to be taught reason.

Edit: Oh, I just saw the light. What if you change the mod for yourself and remove the feature after release! You're asking the modder to do that, so it must be extraordinarily easy, so even you* can do it

*=The way you talk to us.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 pm

He never heard the other side.

That feature was simply requested enough times, so I made it possible to happen on headshots. Can?t please everyone, up until v6 all those people who do want the feature are unhappy. ;)

Yeah, right....

Oh, I see, so you thought you would valiantly come to his defense as I mercilessly flame his mod like you seem to have lead yourself to believe? You just revealed that your part in this entire discussion is moved only by a sense of obligation for him, you don't actually care about the facts of what I have to say, it only matters that I'm saying it to him.

how about stop flaming me and getting back to the actual discussion. If you disagree with me, show it by debating about the subject and not relying on character assassination and personal attacks. =/

That's the whole point: it does not matter wether we discuss this or not. In the end, it's not our choice, it's SkyCaptain's choice. And he has already decided. And you know what? He decided to add this feature because most people who use his mod, seem to like it. Where were you when it was being discussed wether it should or shouldn't be a new feature? That was your chance to discuss it. This isn't.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:36 pm

Nice. :rolleyes:

If you have a critique of a mod, saying so in a civil enough manner is perfectly acceptable. Saying it in the modder's ongoing thread is also appropriate, rather than starting a separate thread would have made more sense as well.

Accept the fact that your personal like or dislike of a mod feature is entirely subjective - taking personal shots at a modder because you are having a snit over a feature of his complex and excellent mod is way out of line.

This "discussion" is done.
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