Dude.. calling a mod maker out, especially one as dedicated as this guy, and calling his mod flawed is, put politely, extremely poor decorum.
It's called critique, and every artist can take critique. I'm not bashing him, I'm giving critique. =/
Also, you're talking about realism in a game where we shoot fire from our hands, and can fall down cliffs without dying, and where Emperors turn into giant blazing golden dragons and kill giant red four armed demons. I think an enchanted arrow exploding a brain is pretty low on the "straining our suspension of disbelief" list when you stack it up against everything else. At least, it should be.
That is a cop out, it really is. The other parts of the fantasy deal with things that have invisible forces behind them, such as magic. But a bow is made out of wood, wood dosen't change it's properties and is entirely predictable on how it acts. =/
Ah, so you're calling it a flaw. Most people call stuff like that 'features'. Also, I think your gameplay style is flawed, if I recall correctly some "expert" on bows said that arrows can hardly get through a human skull, so you're using your bow in an unrealistic way! Stop that!
Your source is completely and utterly wrong, I have to say. Historical longbows have been found to have draw-weights (the amount of force needed to pull back the bowstring) of almost a hundred and eighty pounds. That's more than enough energy to pierce a steel briastplate, much less a human skull. =/
Edit: Also, my "respect for you" meter just went to 0 as you're basically saying a modder is not allowed to make his mod the way he wants to and should instead cater to your needs. Sigh.
Scared of a little informed opinion are we? I know right, how dare I use the forums to reach out to a modder and express my concern over their hardworked product.