I couldn't agree with that more, most of the time...
But removing depth from what should be a deep, complex game is never a good thing. This seems clearly a move to do yet more streamlining of the game, probably in a effort to play even more to the casual gamer... and thats not a good move by Bethesda. I'll hold my final judgment till I play the game / we get more info... but on the surface this just seems like more dumbing down.
What I think a lot of people are failing to realize is that the depth hasn't been removed...just shifted elsewhere and given life in a new way. I also think, after perusing the many perk vs. attribute threads which have spawned over the past two days, that people make the mistake of confusing subtelty and obscurity in a game element's design (mainly the attribute system), with depth. Sure the perk plus health/magicka/stamina system is more open and obvious in its design -- as in, you are made blatantly aware of the immediate effects that your customization will have on your character, but that hardly translates into less depth or complexity, in fact, I would venture to say that a greater range of characters are now possible with the new system, and also, that the choices you make in shaping your character from one level to the next are much more consequential, and force us to really think about the type of character we are trying to create. With only 50 perks for us to choose from a possible 280 and with the progressive nature of the 'perk trees', think about the amount of potential advancement and specialization that gets left behind. 230 defining perks will ultimately not be chosen in shaping your character's life -- can the attribute system say the same? Because even though it was useful, and perhaps accomplished many subtle combinations of things that the perk system cannot, the number of possible character types forged through its use may be more plentiful, but the range of possible character types is actually smaller, due to the fact that the variation that exists between one character and the next when using the attribute system has fewer noticeable, consequential and defining effects.