Killzone 2/3, LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain, inFAMOUS etc.
The crispness of the software is also dependent on system hardware by the way, but either way Blu-Rays are superior due to their sheer storage capacity. Take Dead Space 2 for example, if you don't die, you'll never see a loading screen from start to finish. On the 360 you have to switch discs about half way through, but on the PS3 you don't. This is due to Blu-Ray discs.
I see no difference in them quality wise. Storage wise I agree with you, but if we are talking about games, I don't see bluray improving graphics. As you said, that is more of hardward dependent than the medium it is on. Also is there not an option on the 360 to install it to the hard drive just like on the PS3? I don't think any game on the PS3 can play of disk, it has to be installed on the hard drive. So could this not be a fail on Sony's part that the game has to be installed instead of playing off the disk?
For every Blu-ray you can name that looks bad, I'd be able to list one that's an excellent transfer. It's being taken advantage of by the majority of studios and your 1% figure is absolutely ridiculous. It's also not just about the video, but audio as well. DTS-HD and TrueHD both sound magnificent if your sound system is up to the task.
I thought I did say, that the 1% is from my experiance. On sales figures, yes Bluray is successfull, but my opnion is failure. Sorry if I didn't say that earlier.

As far as gaming goes, it's largely unnecessary beyond multi-disc games, which have managed just fine on PSone and Xbox 360. A slight inconvenience at most. Final Fantasy XIII on PS3 did have 1080p cutscenes and the 360's textures were slightly blurry/aliased from time to time, but for the most part Blu-ray brought little to the table.
Still, film benefits greatly from the format. With Blu-ray sales up and DVD sales down amidst the advent of digital distribution, I'd hardly consider it a failure.
Better said than me. I am not good with words. This is what I ment for gaming purposes, is it really that bad? Is it really worth it for Microsoft to try and make the next generation Xbox be more expensive just to try and compete with Bluray when it doesn't really add anything to gaming? Now if you want to say that the next generation Xbox is suppose to be your all in one entertainminet system like the 360 and PS3 is suppose to be, then yes I agree, bluray is better then because of the movies that take advantage of it. But for alot of people, they don't see the difference, so if they don't really see or notice the difference, is it really needed then?
Maybe that is why having that extra gig on space on the disk is what matters the most for gaming purposes.