I wasn't overjoyed to have my sacrifice made worthless.
This! Honestly if I had the ability to send in a radiation free NPC my first reaction would still be to send myself in. It just seems... like the heroic thing to do.
The ending was perfect in FO: 3 . The battle with Prime going to the water tank... fighting along side Lyon. The fact that the whole battle took place after dark (epic timing for a first run). It was an awesome moment.
Then out rolls Broken Steel. Right off the bat I was thrown off guard when it had to do with more Enclave, and not the Outcasts like I had figured with a name like that. My noble sacrifice was not a sacrifice at all (Lolz massive amounts of rads can kill your father, but not you!). The Enclave have come up with another mustache twirling idea, and have not learned that they should not mess with the BoS...
Worst of all after everything you have done what is your reward? Menial tasks that you felt like you did not have the time to complete to start with. Not only that when you try to bump uglies with Lyon you got told "Lolz nope sorry I don't have the time." Really? Really! I just saved you're pathetic tribe twice and restored partial, if not complete, peace to the surrounding area, and you don't have time for me?
Bah I say to Broken Steel. More like broken dreams... I like my games to end. If I wanted open ended games I would play the Sims.