1.Is there a tutorial out there for people new to the construction set on how you make dungeons (and set up all the things that go with them) and how you add those dungeons to the outside world?
2.Does anyone know of any examples or other mods that do nothing other than add a new dungeon (so I can study and see how its done)?
3.Do you need to know how to make 3D models (or how to edit NIF files) in order to add a new dungeon or can you just combine the existing blocks to get something? (and what about the outside area, do you need to know 3D to make that work?)
and 4.Is there a way I can easily tell whats vanilla oblivion and whats Shivering Isles only (i.e. which objects are available to players with which version of oblivion.esm/game data files)?