Looks great

Are you releasing it as a resource or what?
Actually Id rather make a playable mod from it instead and then people can use it afterward. Im considering adding a bunch of new dungeons in this style to the game. Ive got an idea of how to explain their sudden appearance...
I'm glad to see you're working on this again. I really liked the old screens, too; it's an interesting tileset with a healthy dose of steampunky goodness.

Thanks! The old version was mostly a copy of the lobby of Oakley sunglasses inc...lol. I tried to make it more 'my own' but instead it gradually started to look like a case of plagiarism from the Oblivion Ayelid dungeons (completely unintentional on my part). I wanted the set to look at least somewhat grounded in reality and not just a collection of way-cool shapes made into walls.
I really like the top half of these. I would like the bottom marble part to be tweaked though. It feels like it's too detailed to me (if that makes sense?). However, I really like them and can live with just how they are too

Do you mean the pillars are too detailed or the walls? Theres no way Im changing the pillars lol but the walls are definitely up for improvement and not by making them
less detailed either! Intricacy is the name of the game here, its the only way.