AE is a very effective perk in Crysis 2. It basically elimates 97% of recoil for weapons. One of biggest effects this perk has is on the Feline sub machine gun. It extends the range of the Feline to that of assault rifles such as the scar. Now, add a laser to the Feline and this eliminates all recoil, increases the range even further and drops enemys faster than assault rifles from range. This combination is also known as "shazing"(Bulls of Tom Joad, gamesas 2011, page 2).
So now that we have established that AE makes weapons such as the Feline overpowered, let us move to the third and most outrageous feature. Level 3-faster movement while aiming down sights. This is the biggest exploit in the game when used correctly. The most common combination is again the Feline. If used correcly a player can effectively strafe back and forth so fast that they can appear to teleport or warp when viewed from an opponent screen, all the while shooting with no fear of recoil. Furthermore, a player using AE will strafe faster once all their energy is drained leading to an even larger warping effect.
Too add to this, aim assistance and controller sensitivity is effected by AE. When using AE the weapon you use locks on the target and "sticks" there at a much greater rate than when not using it. You will notice that when you aim at a target you can see your reticle change size and lock on to the target. Now, if using AE there is no recoil, so that "lock on" stays permanant because the weapon is not bouncing around. Once this occurs the games built in aim assistance just drags your weapon along for the ride. You don't need to do much from this point on as your locked in.
So, why has AE been so commonly accepted among the community and elites for so long. Simple, because its a clear exploit that most have become dependant on. I like to compare it to professional bodybuilding. Do you ever see the pros in magazines when they are in the offseason or not taking steriods. Offcourse not, because they don't want you to see them in this state without their "performance enhancers". I am proposing a new classification of Crysis 2 players. Those that a "natural" players that don't use AE and those who are "unnatural" and turn to performance enhancing methods such as AE to achieve their status.
Keeping this in mind, 99% of the elites on Magic Mikes best player list are performance enhancing (Shazing). I have seen many of them play when their not on the shaze and their performance levels and astonishingly lower. I would go as far as to say they are merely average players without their juice. However, some of these top elites have only learned to play one way, with the same perk and weapon and have become addicted to the performance enhancments. They will not let you see what lies beneath.
In conclusion, AE is an incredible expoit to this game and is abused by the top elites. It breaks the game at times and should be banned from any competitive matches because of the effect it creates on the game. But, in the words of an oldschool bodybuilder and his views on performance enhancers...."why be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman"(encyclopedia of bodybuilding, page 112). The choice of yours. Stay Natural!