At least with a new engine, perhaps we could strike gold.
Or step in a big pile of [censored], this leaving yourself worse off than before. Had you have taken the best from what you previously had and improved upon it, as well as replacing what you didn't like, you might've been better off then scrapping it altogether.
When I built my last pc (replaced a DELL), I replaced the components I didn't feel would be of any assistance to me in the new build, however I did reuse some parts because made more sense to reuse the parts I felt could still be useful to me. To several people in this thread that pc I built would've technically still been a DELL even though more than half of it had been replaced. To go further still, I replaced that computer with another one, but still used one component from the old DELL. Does that mean that I'm still technically using a DELL because I still have a single part left over from that system? :rolleyes:
Think about it for a minute folks, arguing over whether it's really a new engine or just a renderer because Bethesda may have recycled parts of Gamebryo because they still worked is ridiculous to say the least.
Skyrim for me at least, has been Bethesda's
most stable release yet. I find those results hard to argue with. Take away from that what you will, your going to believe what you want anyway.