So im only new here but ive been playing bestheda games for years elderscrolls:Oblivion i my all time favorite game and fallout 3 has become my second
i have all DLCs for both and love them all but i just wanna say is i think its unfair that the fallout series gets a new game (mini game) whatever when the elderscrolls last proper dlc was in 2007
Elderscrolls has a massive history and i dont see why all these fans arn't even being told if theres a new game or not
And now there proposing to turn it on to a online game a mmorpg when the point in the series is be who you want and you charecters unique theres so many story threads from the last game we want to know more about
PLEASE BETHESDA do somthing with the elderscrolls but not that
dont get me wrong i love fallout but i feel the time has come for a new elderscrolls title are bethesda just gonna sweep all these fans under the carpet and replace us with the new ones?
I want to know what you think
Well, I'm hoping that if I leave Bethesda alone enough and not nag them, basically like, "Are we ther yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Huh, huh, are we?" that they'll produce a quality product in the time they need. When they do release the next ES, I hope they keep the CS around and if it's going to be a MMO game, then I hope the initial purchase of the game will be the only expense to play it. I don't know if I would pay monthly fees like WoW. That's one of the big reasons that have stopped me from playing WoW. I already have to pay a monthly fee to my ISP and unfortunately there is no "unlimited" plan available to me, so I pay by the amount of data usage. I don't like the idea of additional fees on top of that.
Also of note, I haven't even tried FO3 yet. One reason is because I'm still not liking this Windows Live idea and Oblivion was good, but missing a lot of the richness we saw in Morrowind. Here's hoping Bethesda has a backup of their production this time, in case of another hard drive melt down, and not leaving them scrambling to polish up the game before the deadline... I don't know if this was the culprit of the HDD meltdown, but defragmenting hard drives does help the life expectancy of an HDD, or at least I would think.