New to Fallout and need help.

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:33 am

Like i said i am new to fallout and was wondering what a good character build would be for someone who like small guns and rifles(not energy weapons though) like what stats should i max first and what stats to not even worry about. Also what are some pretty good weapons that i should definatly take the time to get? Not playing hardcoe at the moment either. Thanks for the help.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:19 pm

Like i said i am new to fallout and was wondering what a good character build would be for someone who like small guns and rifles(not energy weapons though) like what stats should i max first and what stats to not even worry about. Also what are some pretty good weapons that i should definatly take the time to get? Not playing hardcoe at the moment either. Thanks for the help.

You definitely want to have Perception and Agility up to at least 6 so that you qualify for some nice gun-related perks later on (Sniper most notably). Skills you want to concentrate on are Guns (obviously, plus there are perk requirements as well) and Repair (so that you can craft even more damaging ammo for your guns and keep them in good enough condition to do the most damage, as well as take care of your armor). The Hand Loader perk is another serious thing to consider, because that's the perk that lets you craft the more damaging ammo I mentioned.

Other than that, I wouldn't set any stat too low. Even Charisma has its uses because it seriously boosts the damage and armor your companion will have even at 5.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:04 am

You want to boost guns and agility. Read what everything does for uou in you pip boy, and you will be set. You may also want to boost barter more than fo3 ( if you played that ), because high end bullets cost a lot more in fo nv.

Edit and don t be afraid of hardcoe, it really isn t that hard. I recommend hard/hardcoe on your 1st playthrough
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:57 pm

Guns have a minimum strength requirement, so make sure to pay attention to that. You can still use weapons that are too heavy for you, but you'll get more sway when you aim. As to good weapons, keep a close eye on their DAM and DPS. DAM is damage, and DPS is damage per second. As you play through the game, just compare those stats on weapons you pick up. Drop the crappy ones, keep the better ones. Guns also have a skill requirement, but again, you can still use weapons that are above your skill level, you just get more sway.
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