Ok, just finished watching the first episode and... really well-done!

I love how they worked out the tiny details in different places (Wintefell, The Wall, Pentos), the atmosphere and setting were really great!
Regarding the cast, I liked it in general. The kinship bettween Tyrion and Jaime seems more fleshed out than in the books, and I liked both actors, I think they accurately represented their roles. Tyrion was perfect, Jaime... not exactly how I imagined him, but still pretty well-chosen. Cersei also has the feeling of the book. Just wish she was younger and more of a classical beauty (imo, of course), like she is depicted...
Sean Bean is perfect for the role of Ned, and the actress who plays Catelyn also seems ideal, very motherly and the love bettween the too is very latent!
The gang of brothers, well, I like the ones they picked for Sansa (I'm sorry, I can't help but love strong British accents :wub: ), Robb, Rickon, Bran... for Arya, I still have to see more of her. Jon... hrrr... I'm not sure. Physically, he seems really out of place for me. Like, a lot out of place! But seeing that actor, well, act, I actually think he might end up nailing the role

He seems to fit the character... too bad he differs so much from the mental image I have of Jon, gotta learn to live with that I guess...
Daenerys and her brother also seem allright for their respective roles. Dany more than Viserys (which I think should have been depicted as a bit more cruel... where was the nipble twisting scene? :shrug: ).
Overall, I loved what they did with this episode. It has a great tone, and manages to pull off a unique identity! Really great. The ways they deviated from the series weren't too extensive, and it was fine like this, with various little details and scenes that help us get the feeling of Westeros