Thanks everybody for your support. It's nice to see that custom GIMP brushes and a little NifSkopin' go a long way

I am also eager to hear your feedback about the explosions, but first I'd like to tell you more about this project.
As I said, I plan this to be a full, pluginless magic effect replacer. I have chosen to make it pluginless in order to spare users the hassle of merging objects and to avoid conficts with other mods; this, however, may limit my tweaking possibilities and lead to some apparent inconsistencies. For example, by default the Light effect shares some graphics with the Fire Damage effect, while Disintegration spells have the same Bolt effect as Shock Damage. This inconsistencies are present in vanilla Morrowind, but of course my tweaking will make them more evident. In order to remove these inconsistencies one could create a replacer with a proper plugin (an ESP file, that is), so to assign every spell effect custom graphics. This would, however, lead into a conflict with every mod which changes spell effect prices, icons or descriptions, and would force to user to use a merging object tool in order to solve the conflict. At the present I am not willing to do that, and this is the reason why this replacer will be pluginless - but who knows what the future may hold.
I love the frost's effect too :drool: , however is the round edge a little too visible?
The mysticism's effect is too “modern”, too 'rigid'.
Yes, the nova edge is definitely too visible, I'm trying to work that out with a better texture. The Mysticism effect is a work in progress - I wanted to make it less pink but now I feel that its color scheme overlaps with the Shock one. The ring animation is currently the same as vanilla - it is one of my favourite vanilla explosions - and maybe it looks rigid in a still frame because in-game that mutating geometry is only seen for a split second. As always, any constructive feedback is precious.
Before I go, I'll post