*snicker* Anyways seems you guys are catering a bit too much to stereotypes. Society is what it is. Out of all said on the last page and this one I keep reaching one point: Why is six still seen as so perverted or evil in modern society :c
I love six. six is great. It's how I(And hopefully all of you. Even you Mr. Alien) was brought to this world. Thanks horny ol pops.
Haha. Anyways, did they mention they'd have exclusive footage or info in the first place?
There's nothing wrong with six.
But when a show is designed with a target audience of "men" that talks EXCLUSIVELY about six and drinking and shows zero intelligence, it makes me weep for society, which still seems to see all men as soulless six-obsessed lazy drunk [censored]s without a brain. You see this stereotype all the time on the internet.