It may seem complicate but is not , basically at creation the player gets a round colored selector with a pointer , where u move the pointer you push the character into a directin career or the other asigning more or less points into that career field ...
Plus I removed furtivity from the basics and added spirit ....
I believe furtivity is something body related , then in each subfuield ppl can chose how to dedicate to each of the categories ...
adding instead a new spirituao field , that in my opinion is totally skipped by Beth in general and treated like magic ....
this could allow a more specialization fields of actual magic . like , spiritism , evocation , negromancy etc all going to the spirit side , while destruiction , alteration , illusion and others in the magic side , ofc tthere is not total distinction amogn the classes but this system coudl allow a lot of mix matching and crossing giving the possibility of all kind of class systems ...
also possible to go all warrior for example as is howed more or less in the picture .....
the more into a "color" the more points you receive to spend for skills ( to buy ) and perks to specialize it ...
the spirit body add on could allow a lot of new gameplay based on a spiritual form of the player , that coudl have somehow a different rapresentation of himself in a ethereal world like often happens in ES games , but this time his spirit may be much different than the might warrior that is in real world or as opposite a shaman coudl be a strong warrior in the spirits world ....
Let me know hat you thing , but just don't start trolling etc please....
PS I know my spelling is awfull but my keyboard is almoust gone and I need sooo get a new one ...