However, after I got a new copy, I put it in and enjoyed it. Everything looks 'retro', and feels retro to. It's like the 1900's, with advanced technology. I was disappointed when I learned that the game was in 2077, whereas I originally thought it was after WWII.
Anyway, I liked Fallout 3 a lot, nothing like Morrowind (shudders). I instantly fell in love with the VATS. OH MY GOSH that thing is so awesome! Anyway, I began doing straight missions to see if I could unlock the guy on the front of the case. Well some chick named Reddin died, and I stole her armor. I am currently at the part where I have to find Rivet City - which I have and I am currently on the surface of the boat (after it took about 10 minutes to find out how to get on it).
1. Where can I 'train' to wear that armor on the cover? I already have it.
2. I liked when I followed those guys around and fought the Super Mutants. Is it possible to find a group of them and follow them around as if I was one of them and fight more super mutants - or no?
3. Bottle Caps seem important - they're in everything - and they don't have the 'junk' icon for their picture. What are they for?
4. I have an Assault Rifle, and a Chinese Assault Rifle. Should I sell one for room? Or no?
5. I need to know how to carry more than 200 lbs (or whatever the weight measurement is).
6. Is there a such thing as custom weapons... I want custom weapons like custom guns - not pre-made ones.
7. Any tips on ranged combat? The cover on the maps aren't very useful and I end up dying a lot. A LOT.
8. Is there ANYTHING else I should know? I have never played Fallout before.