Each creature was built to be intended as a boss... so they're pretty unique.
First is... pretty self explanatory. Not a great name so any other suggestions would be good.
Found on Solthseim...
Second was designed to have 4 phases... It was inspired by some WoW creature, at least the appearance of the first stage. The others bare pretty much no resemblance in appearance or concept...
It falls in a meteor from the void to somewhere on Vvardenfell... animates stuff from it's surroundings.
Third is the Ghoul King... may have seen it before changed it a bit though... Has a few Ghoul minions
Last but not least... Found in some secret Telvanni necromancer's laboratory. The person who made it lies dead...
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z133/Demon_Xen/Boarmaster.jpg... Headless boarman perhaps

I will also be making rewards/loot with similar themes of each creature.
Example, The Experiment will drop you a syringe so you can inject your enemies... and some other stuff...
Ghoul king will drop the helm he wears and some other stuff...
The Dark Entity will drop various weapons that rotate and give off the same sparks...
Nordic Lich will drop his helmet and some other stuff...
They will all also drop various unique rings/amulets... I may give these unique appearances but maybe not. Not like you see them while you wear them.
there has been a problem with the nordic lich :shocking: He has been scrapped.
Alas, do not worry. I have created a replacement named The Frozen King
There are two versions and I need you to choose which is better.
He stands before http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z133/Demon_Xen/MGEScreenshot4-1.jpg...