After months of being burned by a crummy developer of a certain MMO racing game published by (that publisher everyone loves to hate on). I've decided that its time I finally put my money where my mouth is and just build my own game. I plan on using either UDK or CryEngine 3 as the development platform for PC.
My question is what additional languages should I be learning when working with CryEngine 3?
The plan for this
-full feature performance and visual customization for vehicles including pickup trucks and motorcycles as well as muscle cars, exotic cars and street "tuners"
-open world city modeled after real world location.
-Multiplayer race events including circuit races, point to point races, "takedown" events, wreck your opponent before X time has passed. and others.
-Fully featured chat system
-Auction house for unwanted parts
I know many games make use of some variation of C+ or another.
I just need to know where else outside of the engine I should be looking and what i'll need to learn to start this project.
Mind you the entire point of this is to show a certain developer "This is how it should have been done."