Hi Guys,
My name is Jesse and I am a complete noob when it comes to pc gaming (I've only been a console gamer). That being said, I am very excited to jump into Fallout 4 and all the future mods the community has to offer on my new PC my buddy built for me.
As I said above I am super new to this side of gaming and was in hopes you guys with more knowledge on the PC and system requirements could help me out.
My question is, Do you guys think my PC will be powerful enough to run FO4 with mods on High - Ultra settings?
I know Bethesda has not released FO4 system requirements yet so that's why I was hoping you guys will be able to take an educated guess based on your experience and knowledge you have.
Any help is much appreciated below my system info. (I copy and pasted from the site "Can You Run It"
Thank you and see you guys in the wasteland
Processor - Intel® Core i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Video Card - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
Memory - 16 GB
Operating System - Microsoft Windows 10 (build 10240), 64-bit