I apologise for my english but i'm from Northern Italy,so my language may not be that good.Just wanna say some things.
-I whant lonesome road VERY bad...just hope it wont be necessary to buy a special edition like whit fallout 3 for Mothership Z....
-I've played fallout 3 and then new vegas...first feeling?New vegas was worst.Than i've played FO1 and FO2....now fallout 3 is just a remake of fallout 1 and 2.Same story,almost same ending:kicked out of the vault,searching for something wather chip or dad...than muties...fight muties.Then brotherhoo:help brotherhood.Found dad/GECK...enclave shows up.JUst saying they're VERY similar.
Than new vegas became much more interesting than FO3...original story,not the usual vault boy kicked out in the cruel world.Enyway loved FNV and F3 both.
Third ad last thing...I LOVE Raul.
I think this post was a little nonsense...was just to post something