Nexon - Quite nice. Alot of copy paste though.
I think the fact that you've done this in Gmax is even more impressive than the content of the picture itself.
I think I repeated the windows too much. I'm going to eliminate a few. Thanks.
mr_siika - Looks amazing! Would be awesome if you could post an in-game screenshot as well.
Great work!
Thanks. Still playing with it but I can get something up soon. Already moving structures around.
Meo - Wow! I can always count on you to make my jaw drop. The texturing is complex, it doesnt look brand new, i love it.
Ghogiel - looks very nice. pretty tight. Scratch that itch hard!
from the piccy, the only thing I'm unsure of is the most of the chamfers are catching the light oddly imo, is it different smoothing, the lighting, just wondered if it is intentional there. you know me, I want to see wires, in game and all the angles
BS- dude you are a very solid modeller these days. you might not consider yourself Siika or Phitt level, but I think you ain't far off, maybe not as prolific. You had a decent eye from years ago. And imo you can texture as well as either of them< don't sell yourself short on that skill. your early stuff was ahead of what it should have been for your experience. well it took me longer to get to that kinda level.
I'm a little inspired to start on my castle architecture again. damn that itch... hope there isn't a rash as well.
Currently there's no smoothing and most textures are *tga. Its not 'tuned' per sae. I appreciate your faith. Somehow nothing comes out 'eaxctly' right. There's always something 'off'. Now show me how its done!
WhoGuru - You build the interiors as well and I promise to let loose my clutter bug inside that beauty. LOL Gorgeous work as always Hel Borne!
Thanks. I'd give you a whole city full of interiors if I could.